Surprise Pilates

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Don't Listen

This weekend I did a 3 mile race at the World Wilderness Zoo. I used to race several times a year. Thanks to Covid and races being canceled, it’s been almost 2 years since I have competed. I have been competing in races since I was in the 7th grade and it is something I enjoy. Even so the day before the race, the little voice in my head started coming up with reasons I should just skip it!

I’ve been dealing with a sinus infection brought on by a tooth issue and ensuing root canal. It’s getting better but not completely gone. I’ve also had some unexpected stress and less sleep than I’d like. Did I really want my first race in AZ to be like that?

But on the positive side - it would be my first race in Arizona! It was a race around a Zoo with lots of animals which I love and had yet to visit. It was for a good cause - saving Giraffes!

The internal battle was real but the side of just do it won. I gave myself permission to not worry about my time. I gave myself permission to just enjoy it and remove the usual racing pressure. I did enjoy it and I took time to check out the animals instead of worrying about the pace on my watch. I had fun, I didn’t worry about not setting a PR and I still won the women’s master division!

I am sharing this today because I think we are often dealing with that internal voice that tries to talk us out of what we want to do but may have some fear around. If I’d listen to those voices I would have missed seeing NINE Giraffes! I would have missed those feelings of accomplishment. I also would have felt bad for skipping.

As hard as it is … silence those voices! Don’t give them credibility! They crept in after I had made the decision … which to me is a sure sign they were ‘feelings of doubt’ that I should ignore. I had to remind myself I was excited about the race when I signed up … only fear was changing those feelings. I had those feelings before my first Pilates class, too, … and look where I am now because I silenced that pesky voice!

They say on the other side of our comfort zone is where the good things happen and I tend to agree! The little voice in your head does’t want you to cross over that line … do it anyway!