Surprise Pilates

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Dreaming of Pilates

I don’t usually remember my dreams but the other night I did and it was very vivid. They say dreams can tell us things and maybe that’s true because this dream while bizarre certainly told me a thing or two. Let’s dive in for fun!

I dreamt that I had found out in 48 hours I would be going into the witness protection program! This brought on a whole slew of concerns, preparations and questions. The first thing this dream probably taught me - I may watch and listen to a few too many crime shows and podcasts - ha!

In my dream I began planning and prepping - it was very stressful. I questioned whether I would need to change my hair style and color - would I need to try bangs? I also questioned if my cats could come with me and whether they would need new names, too? That was my biggest concern. While I love my home and car - these were lesser concerns. Lesson two - my babies are more important than anything I own.

And then it dawned on me that I would probably not be able to teach Pilates in my new life … and possible even not even be able to do Pilates. This was hugely concerning and stressful in my dream. I wondered what in the world would I do for my career and also what would I do for my body without Pilates? This seemed like a sacrifice too great! I woke up concerned and sad thinking i’d have to walk away from Pilates.

My final lesson - Pilates is what I should be doing without question - both as a teacher and a student. While this was just a silly dream, it stuck with my throughout the day I ponder what life without Pilates would be like. That’s a life I don’t want to know. My body feels too good doing Pilates. Being able to share Pilates with others is too rewarding. I am right where I need to be in my awake life!