Surprise Pilates

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Goal - Resetting!

Did you start off quarantine with some pretty hefty goals? Was this ‘opportunity’ going to make you your healthiest? I know I set some pretty high goals for myself and discounted the effects a pandemic might have on my mood, motivation, and emotions!

There were days I did amazing and fortunately for me, there were more good days than bad. I also had a couple of periods of feeling really down and discouraged for a few days in a row. I self soothed with chocolate and Diet Coke. I hadn’t drunk a Diet Coke in years!!! Why now??

Once the news of the reopening dates was released - I knew I had one month to do it all!! I was going to run 5 days a week, teach mat classes online, and take reformer classes online to pick up new ideas for all of you! For the first 5 days I was doing great. And then … I sliced my hand open and ended up in the emergency room getting stitches. Not part of the plan. I had to take some time off - to let my hand heal. Once again my goal was not going to be met.

It would have been very easy to just throw in the towel and say the world is conspiring against me it’s not meant to be. But what good does that do? Giving up doesn’t feel good at all.

So it’s time to reset some goals. I’m not going to be able to do all the physical things I wanted to do until my hand heals but I can still do some things. My options aren’t active or sedentary. Health or unhealthy. I’m walking a lot right now. I’ve getting creative with what I can do in mat classes. I started running a couple of miles today - keeping an eye on my hand so it doesn’t bleed. I won’t hit 100 miles this month as I wanted but that’s okay. Maybe next month I can. I am not eating chocolate this month and I am actually doing okay with this goal.

If you found yourself succeeding most at Netflix and wine during quarantine - it’s okay. Maybe that’s how you coped. Reset some goals. Make them realistic. Don’t go from nothing to everything. You can always reset your goals again when you are overachieving!

The first step is often the hardest. Getting out the door, signing up for a class, deciding to do it - that’s the hard part. Hold yourself accountable - take the first step and see where you go from there!

We all will feel better achieving smaller goals than no goals at all after all!

Reset with me!