Surprise Pilates

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Staying Healthy and Sane!

It’s always important to stay healthy but now more than ever attention is being drawn to what can we do to protect ourselves from any illness. We all know the obvious first step - wash your hands. There are other strategies to consider as well. Keeping your stress down is key, too! Here are some things to consider to live your healthiest life during a trying time:

  1. Avoid Hand Towels. Yes they are cute and I’m all for hand towels as a decorative piece but unless you know when and how often these are washed you are better off using a single use paper towel. Hand towels can hold germs and transfer germs from person to person unfortunately. We have paper towels in the studio bathroom for your use.

  2. Avoid food samples. I love a sample but now is not the time. You have no idea who else’s hands have touched or come in contact with that cheese cube or power bar sample. Not everyone is washing their hands before digging into that sample container. It’s gross to think about - so just don’t - at least for now.

  3. Wear socks in the studio. While we don’t require it, we do encourage it as another layer between you and a surface. You may even wear gloves if you would like during this germ season.

  4. Wipe off surfaces. We do this in the studio and will continue to do it. Did you know I also routinely wipe the door knobs? Any surface that multiple hands touch are worthy of a good wipe down with some disinfecting wipes or cleaner.

  5. Air High Fives are the new handshakes. I was trained to shake hands so it feels rude not to but for now it’s best to just do the air high five or wave.

  6. Vitamin C - Studies show this vitamin is highly effective in helping our immune system. The good news is it’s easy to find, easy to take and also not a vitamin you can take too much of. Being water soluble, your body will eliminate what it does not need in your urine.

  7. Sleep. Sleep is so crucial in keeping our immune system working properly. If our body is running on empty it is working harder then normal to function which leaves less energy for germ fighting. Don’t skimp on sleep if you can at all help it. Turn the news off - read for a bit and then go to bed.

  8. Stress relief. Stress wrecks havoc on the body. One of the best ways I know to combat stress is regular mind-body exercise. Keep up your Pilates and your body will help you. If are quarantined - check out Shine Pilates youtube page for some do at home mat pilates options. We will keep the studio open as long as possible - keeping our small class sizes, adhering to appropriate spacing and keeping up our cleaning protocol. Find a way to move- even a walk around the block will do wonders for your mental health.

  9. Tackle new projects like a puzzle, reading our book club book - The Dutch House, organize a closet, cleaning out a pantry, sending fun mail to your friends … something positive that will be a welcome distraction with a productive outcome. Not only will you get things done - you’ll feel good doing it.

  10. Light candles - use a little aromatherapy to bring some calm and pleasure to your environment. Little touches that lighten the mood or lift your spirit go a long ways.

    Together we will weather this rough time. Check on your friends and neighbors to make sure they are okay. Support your local businesses who really need it right now. Now is the time to SHINE in more ways than one and be the light for others offering an example of positivity and hope.