Surprise Pilates

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How I Spent My Quarantine

When I was in grade school, each year when I returned to school after Summer break it was not uncommon to have the teacher ask the class, “How did you spend your Summer vacation?” Usually we had to write an essay or draw pictures illustrating the fun and different things we did over the Summer. I distinctly remember in second grade telling me teacher I had been to visit my grandfather. Many of the other students in class had also visited grandparents over the Summer so to me this was nothing special. I lived in Ohio at the time. My teacher asked where my grandfather lived and I nonchalantly said “He lives in France”. To me this was normal. My Dad is French and my brother and I are French citizens as well. It did not occur to me that my classmates visited their grandparents in Kentucky or Indiana not across the ocean! My teacher was quite impressed much to my surprise!

I’m sharing this story with you because I believe we should approach quarantine much the same way. At the end of your month or however long … imagine you will be asked to share how you spent quarantine. There are a couple options here - one is very unproductive and probably a bit less healthy. The other option is to maximize the opportunity and come out on the other side healthier, stronger, and a better version of yourself! That’s my goal. I do realize with kids it can be a bit challenging but I encourage you to get them in on the action. Create challenges for your kids to accomplish. Let them earn points for reading, running, and doing chores. Teach them to cook with you! Make it fun.

With that mindset I thought I’d share with you some of my “Quarantine” activities that I am hoping to accomplish:

  1. Reading - I am currently working on our book club book The Dutch House and I’d like to knock that out AND walk that book back to the the library.

  2. I have some Pilates continuing educationI I’ve been putting off and I think now is the time to finish that - it requires 3 hours and I certainly have them now.

  3. Organizing - I’ve been decluttering and organizing like crazy. Now is the time to do the extra cleaning things like vacuuming the vents and washing the pillow covers. I’ll be glad I did it.

  4. Planks! I am in the middle of a plank challenge with some friends so I am not missing a day on my planks. It is already getting easier.

  5. Running - With just about everything closed I am taking advantage of the milder temperatures to get out there and run more.

  6. Cooking- I loaded up on healthy foods and I am having fun grilling and experimenting.

  7. Calling friends. How often do we have time to have a real phone conversation? Texting is great but it really does not take the place of a real conversation.

  8. Planning ahead. There are thing I can do now to prepare for when the studio reopens. I am working to get ahead of the game.

  9. Walking with friends. It’s social and good for me - so I’m getting out there and doing it six feet apart of course!

  10. Decluttering my closet. We know people are going to be hurting so now is the time to get rid of clothes I don’t need.

  11. Filming YouTube workout videos for you! This is something I had wanted to do before - to add some newer content to my channel. Now I am happy I can offer free workouts to your here.

  12. Writing Google reviews for local businesses I love. This helps them be more visible when they reopen. If you love Shine PIlates … I’d love it if you would take 5 minutes to write a 5 star google review! It’s very easy - google the business - it will appear on the right of your screen. Click reviews and then click add review. That’s it!

This may sound like a lot but really most of these things do not take large amounts to time. The key is to stay on a schedule instead of sleeping the days away. I am mostly keeping on my work sleep schedule because I know it will be a struggle if I don't when I go back to work. Each day I have some items I’d like to accomplish and that still leaves plenty for time for social media, tv watching and relaxing. It feels good to accomplish things, too! I encourage you to take advantage of this unexpected quarantine time and become a healthier, happier improved version of you!