Surprise Pilates

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I'm Not Very Good at ...

Lately I’ve caught myself a couple of times saying, “I’m not very good at decorating” or some similar statement. I’m having a house built and with that comes … a lot of decorating! It’s not going to be complete for a about a year so I have plenty of time. Still, I am feeling pressure … pressure I put on myself that is to have the house designed and figured out already. I’ve felt a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of doing a whole house.

In the past, I’ve made decision like a new sofa or changed a paint color. I’ve changed out a light fixture or added new window treatments. I’ve never done the whole thing at once! I’ve felt good about the homes I’ve lived in and how they have looked. I’ve been pleased with the light or sofa or paint color that I picked out. I’ve had some help with suggestions at times, too.

What I’ve realized is that by saying “I’m not very good at ________”, I am reinforcing that idea. I am further convincing myself that I can’t possibly do this myself. In reality I’ve had small scale success in the past with lights or drapes or bedding. I did okay or even great on those choices! Maybe I need to remind myself of that instead of reiterating my supposed inability!

I talked to a friend who is fabulous with design today. I asked for her help. She gave me the same kind of advice that I would give my new students. Break down this project into rooms and focus on one at a time. Look around and get ideas. Take your time and realize it’s a process. Isn’t that so similar to what happens with new students and Pilates? The idea of a Pilates class or private can be a bit overwhelming or intimidating. For that reason we take it movement by movement and focus on the basic concepts in the beginning. Once a student begins to master those we layer in the next elements. I’d never expect a new student to come in and master a full class … or design a full house in my case right off the bat!

It’s a process just like learning Pilates is a process. Self -limiting talk only discourages me and probably isn’t even true! It would be more accurate to say, “I don’t have a lot of experience with decorating but I’ve had some smaller successes in the past.”. Who’s to say I can’t have a bigger success this time? And maybe I can gather my ideas and then get some professional help with a decorator, too! Isn’t that why folks come to a Pilates studio - they have an idea of what they want or need but require some instruction from a professional to get there.

I’m going to stop convincing myself I can’t do something that maybe I can do or I can do part of and partner with a professional for the rest. I’d never expect a client to be an expert walking into the studio for the first time and I shouldn't expect that of myself either!