Surprise Pilates

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I feel you!

Life is often busy! And sometime it feels like we are waiting for the less busy time to do the thing we want to do or even the thing we know we need to do! With moving across the country and taking over a Pilates studio - I leel you on being busy!

I’ve spent the past four months getting settled in a new home, finding my way around a new city, meeting new clients, changing out software and teaching lots of Pilates! I wouldn’t change any of it except for one thing … I’ve allowed myself to fall into that trap of “when I get more time I’ll take care of myself.”

The reality is I feel better, and have more energy when I workout and prioritize my own well-being. I haven’t done enough of that lately but the last few weeks I’ve realized I need it now … not eventually.

Truth be told it hasn’t really been that hard to carve out a little time for me to workout … it’s just taken a bit more thought and organization. If I pack my lunch and save the time I’d use to run home and eat … I have time to workout as well. Sometimes I have some breaks between clients and there is nothing wrong with a quick workout here and there as well.

When I get my workouts in I also find I am more productive. It kicks off an energy bursts that carries through to to other aspects of my life! I also believe I’m a better teacher when I can bring movements I’ve worked on to my students. I’m excited to share these items.

So if you’ve been saying, “I’ll workout when ________”. Make the when NOW. You will not regret it. Yes you may feel fatigued right now but that workout will help with that and with your sleep and mood. I’m committing to me and I hope you’ll join me, too!