Surprise Pilates

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Is it Really a Bargain?

A bargain isn’t always a bargain. Sure the price may be great! It may be a real discount on what appears to be a similar item or service but beware that does not mean it’s the same thing.

I was raised by two frugal parents. It’s in my DNA but I’ve learned through the years some times it is so worth it to pay a little more. A good deal is not always a good deal and often not even really what I want, expect, or need. Let me give you a some examples. In college I discovered Hair America (I don’t think it’s still there so I don’t mind using the name) and realized I could get my haircut for about $10!!! Wow! What a bargain. It was a great deal until I left with a cut that was not flattering to my face shape and not particularly even! It tooks months to grow out and months of not liking my hair. It was definitely not worth the money I saved.

Lesson number two - I found a deal for a massage in Nashville. I am not one to get routine massages but from time to time I’ll treat myself. This was going to be a treat for me and a good deal! While the woman doing my massage was friendly she had clearly just walked in from a smoke break and reeked of cigarette smoke. Despite the soft musics playing, I could hear two other employees through the walls talking and complaining loudly about who knows what. My masseuse went to town on my neck even though I was merely there for a relaxing massage. I left with a sore neck that lasted several days and anything but a relaxing experience. It was hardly worth the money I saved.

Lesson number three - While living in Nashville, I purchased a Groupon for 3 private Pilates training sessions. It was quite a deal and spoke to my frugal DNA. In my first session the young instructor informed me she’d never taught a private before and was really nervous. Part way into class I realized the reformer was set up wrong which explained why everything felt so much heavier. We did repetition after repetition of the few things this gal knew - all on the wrong springs. I never returned for my remaining two sessions. It was not a bargain at all and I was sore from working out improperly- not in a good way for several days.

I believe there are some things worth spending a little more on and I would put my hair and my body in that category. I’ll happily buy a dented can that is marked down at Kroger or stock up on Christmas wrapping paper at an after Christmas sale at Target. When it comes to what I eat and how I take care of my body - I am no longer looking for a bargain. I am worth full price. I am worth quality. The problem with the bargain is not only is it not always what you are expecting and sometimes the repercussions last days or months. I don’t want to be sidelined in the name of saving a few dollars.

Recently, several larger franchise fitnesses facilities have descended upon Lexington. I was asked if I was worried because these larger non-locally owned places can charge less and pack more people in. To be honest - they may be a bargain but they aren’t offering what we are at Shine Pilates. We keep our classes small so we can keep an eye on you. We care about your form and your body. We know how to challenge you and how to keep you safe while you rehab an injury. We plan our sessions based on who is signed up - that means you get a more personalized experience. We take requests. And we remember what your goals are and what limitations we need to watch out for. Our instructors have trained extensively - not just for a weekend or two.

I’ve also been asked if I’ll consider Class Pass and and the answer is no. The reason - because our members deserve better. I worked at a facility in Nashville that participated in a similar program and it meant almost every class became a review of the basics for the class-passers who wouldn’t be back next class. Our regulars had to accommodate this need to explain the reformer over and over again. Don’t get me wrong We LOVE new students. But we are goal focused - you can’t hit your goals this way. We welcome new students interested in trying Pilates and creating a habit. We want to take the time to TEACH them about the reformer and learn about their body. We can’t do that properly with class pass.

Beware of the bargain when it comes to your body. An inexperienced instructor with a roomful of students can lead to a bad experience or worse yet an injury. You are worth full attention and full price ;-)