Surprise Pilates

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New Year's Goals

I’ve been thinking about the New Year and what I might like to accomplish! Whether you call it a resolution or not it’s a good time to take stock and make an effort to move yourself forward towards where you’d like to be. I don’t believe resolutions need to lofty - sometimes they are things that have been hanging over my head and I just need some motivation to get done. Other times my goals are bigger - like opening a studio in Lexington in 2018 … that was a biggie!

Here’s a look at some of my intentions, goals and resolutions for 2020:

  1. Cleaning out my email inboxes. I’m guilty of keeping emails for way too long. i’ve done a pretty good job of unsubscribing from company emails that I just don’t need to get a daily and will continue to do this but I still found myself with close to 5,000 emails in my personal email account. On a small level this is bringing unneeded stress into my life. Let the purging begin! I’ve started this one already and to be honest it’s been kind of fun and rewarding watching that number go down. Currently I’m sitting at about 200! Almost there!!

  2. Continuing to Grow Shine Pilates! I know there are more people we can help whether that’s seniors, folks with neurological conditions, new or expecting moms, folks coming off PT or those just wanting to feel good in their skin … the more folks I can reach … the more we can help reach their goals!

  3. Cut back on sugar. This year I made an effort to really read labels and look for the hidden sugar. I changed pasta sauces and soups and such to brands without added sugar. Yeah me! But then I continued to reward myself with chocolate. hmm - sort of defeated the purpose! I can’t say I’ve started this yet but it is a goal for sure. With everything I’ve read about sugar consumption and links to Alzheimers and more - it is a health issue and a must in my opinion. I will need some encouragement here!

  4. Purging my closet. Being that my size hasn’t really changed significantly in years and I’ve continued to accumulate clothes the closet is running out of room. I did a small purge a few weeks ago but it’s time to donate and purge down to what I like, wear and need. This one is a work in progress …

  5. Regularly running the hills. When I lived in Nashville, I had no choice but to run hills - that’s all there were! Moving to Lexington, downtown is pretty flat and most of my runs are downtown and Chevy Chase. I lost my hills skills! Doing the Bourbon Chase this Fall and facing many tough hills on my run, I was reminded that I am capable of hills and it is not only empowering but makes me stronger. It take a bit more commitment for me to run hills - a drive in the car to Keeneland for example - but It’s worth it. My goal is to get out there and do those hills on a weekly basis if I can!

  6. Cutting back on screen time. This one can be tricky because I do post and record videos for work. To me this is acceptable screen time. but i’ve also found myself killing time watching insta stories, and the like. I don’t think all screen time is bad but I’d rather interact with real people than screens. For better or for worse my iPhone let’s me know how I am doing here!

  7. Continuing to fast and track meals. I’ve done a pretty good job of this this Fall and want to continue on making this more of a lifestyle habit. It holds me accountable and when I am fasting I feel better and look better, too!

  8. Travel more! Even if it’s just a weekend visit to friends - life is meant to be enjoyed! Waiting for the perfect time means plans never happen. I’m committing to travel more in 2020.

  9. Prioritize my Pilates practice! I’m lucky to get in little bits of workouts demonstrating and helping my clients. It feels good to be active throughout the day. BUT … 5 minutes here and there does not equate to a real workout. Just like most of you … I need to do a better job of scheduling my full workouts!

  10. Continue to volunteer for Make-a-Wish. This is something I started this year and really enjoy. I’m looking forward to helping more kids this year!

So there you go - a look at some of my resolutions or goals for the year. I have a few more but wanted to share my focuses so it may inspire you, too! If you are sharing in some of my resolutions - let me know so we can support each other! Happy 2020 to you!