Surprise Pilates

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Nice to Meet You!

I’ve moved a few times and with that comes meeting new people. It can take a while to find friends and create a new social circle. I’m always delighted when a new friend or acquaintance invites me to a get together. It’s a chance to meet more people and get to know this friend better.

I’ve realized these get togethers often go one of two ways.

Option One: You arrive and the hostess greets you and welcomes you in. She’s in the middle of prepping food or making drinks and says make yourself at home. You mingle and attempt to join a conversation or two. But going into a situation where you only know one person and not particularly well can be intimidating! Will there be inside jokes you don’t know? Is there a taboo topic you are not aware of? Is there a routine or ritual at this home … Are you going to walk in with your shoes on only to find everyone else took theirs off? It can be a bit nerve-wracking and intimidating to join in and fit in!

Option Two: You arrive and your hostess greats you and then proceeds to show you around and introduce you to various people. She makes connections for you - “Lucie teaches Pilates, Julle is an avid skier you both are my fit friends!” It’s a much more welcoming and relaxed experience. The rules of party so to speak are shared with you as you meet the players and are shown around. You aren’t left to fend for yourself and figure it out.

I share this because I believe this is can be very similar to jumping into a group Pilates class when you have never done Pilates before. While I believe all of our students are friendly and welcoming - we speak a Pilates language that we have all learned. That can be intimidating! We also know how the equipment works on some level and that, too, can be intimidating! As a new person it can feel like wandering around that party not quite knowing where to be and what to do. While your instructor is going to do her best to help you through the class - she’s also busy in the kitchen so to speak with the other students.

For this reason I always recommend new students begin with a Private lesson. You get the hostess or Pilates instructor all to yourself. The rules are shared with you and a relationship begins between you and the instructor. The session is at the level and pace you need and modifications are discussed as needed.

My goal is always to make your first experience a good one - where you walk away with a better understanding of Pilates, feeling good in your body and excited to come back. It can be difficult to create that experience with only a few minutes before class begins and five other students eager and ready to move! I like to think of the Initial Private as a treat you give to yourself - you time! It’s the best way to meet Pilates!