Surprise Pilates

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One Way

This morning I had planned to go for a run. I had to be somewhere by 10am … so I needed to get my act together to get to the trails, run, get home, shower, and get to my appointment.

I started coming up with my reason why not. I could go later in the day maybe. Maybe I should just take the day off - I had strained my deltoid muscles and wasn’t sure how that would feel running. And the list goes on! But the reality is I don’t often have time to get to the trails except on the weekends. I decided to go and set my expectations low. Even a little bit was better than nothing!

I really do love the trails and the bright Arizona sun. The jostling wasn’t too bad on my arm and the trail was pretty open. While I was running I noticed about half a dozen hot air balloons in the sky. It was beautiful and I am so glad I got to see this! As I was finishing my run and returning to my car, a woman asked if she could ask me a few questions about the trail.

She explained her stepson was coming for a visit and liked to mountain bike and hike. She wasn't familiar with the trail and wanted to find out if it would be a good option for him. I was on the Maricopa Trail and I told her a bit about it. We both commented on the hot air balloons and how lovely they were. She gave me some pointers on taking a picture from a photographer friend fo hers and then suggested she take a picture of me next to a sign that said “One Way”. As she said, “There is one way to be healthy and you are out here doing it!” It was an affirmation I wasn’t expecting but I was glad to get. Sometime we all need that reminder and coming from a stranger felt really good!

I noticed we both had the same convertible and I told her I liked her car and had the navy blue one as well! She told me she was raised pretty humble and to not seek expensive or high end things. It reminded me of my upbringing, too! She told me a Buddhist Monk told her, “It’s okay to surround yourself with beautiful things as long as they don’t become idols”. With that she realized she could have a nice car and be happy and unapologetic about it because she’d worked hard for it and she added, “I am sure you earned your car, too, and you deserve it.” Another nice affirmation from a stranger!

I may never run into this woman again but I am so glad I got up this morning and went the One Way to healthy and had the opportunity to share a few moments with an affirming, kind hearted woman. We don’t know what we may miss when we don’t go. We don’t know the positive results or interactions we may miss. There is only one way tp move forward and sometimes that comes with some unexpected blessings, too!