Surprise Pilates

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These days if you think about the word “open’ it is usually referring to whether a business is open due to Covid. Most of us have experienced quite a bit of change due to the pandemic. Unfortunately, we may have become more ‘closed’ as a result, too. Today, however, I want to talk about being more open.

There will always be reasons why not but there will also be opportunity if we are open. Thinking of this past year and opportunities I could have missed if I stay closed … I would not be in Arizona. I would not be at Shine Pilates in Surprise. Instead of thinking about what could go wrong - I chose to think about what could go right. I envisioned the future I wanted and how I could get there. Let’s be clear … I knew there would be work involved. That’s the difference between a dream and a goal. Dreams assume fate will do the work and Goals plan the work that needs to be done.

Not everyone will be faced with such a big opportunity to be open - those don’t come along that often! There are plenty of smaller opportunities. Being single some years ago I realized I was missing out on things I might really love just because I didn’t have a plus one. Then I decided to be open to finding enjoyment on my own and the possibility of meeting some new people. A few weeks ago my girlfriend sent me info about a comedy show in Phoenix. I checked my schedule and realized - I could do this and I’d rather be open to doing it by myself than not doing it at all. I bought the ticket and had a great time.

Let’s be clear being open is not always easy and does often come with hesitation and possible nerves. We’d all be open all the time if it were easy! I believe when we look at what good could come from a situation it’s worth the risk. The downside is often not what we blow it up to be.

I often hear from students that they had thought about Pilates for a long time before actually giving it a try … and falling in love. So my challenge to you if you’ve considered Pilates or you are curious is to be open … give it an hour and a try! What’s the worst that could happen? You don’t like it and lose an hour. Best case scenario you leave feeling great and wanting more!