Surprise Pilates

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Pee a Little?

Do you pee a little when you work out? What about the trampoline or doing jumping jacks - have those become off limits for you for fear of tinkling? Well there is a myth out there that after you have a baby or as you age - that’s just how it is. Nope! Doesn’t have to be that way!

Let’s discuss!

Leaking bladders and incontinence issues are often caused by either a weak pelvic floor or a pelvic floor that is too tight. What’s your pelvic floor? It’s a sheath of muscles at the bottom of the pelvis that serve many purposes including holding your insides - ie. your bladder in place. Having a baby can cause these muscles to be stretched out. It is also possible for these muscles to become too tight after a pregnancy if you had some stitches, for example. Either way - too tight or too loose can lead to issues such as leaking or hemorrhoids. Even if you have never had a baby - during peri-menopause and menopause - our bodies and pelvic floors can change creating these issues.

For years the Kegel was preached as the way to tone up that pelvic floor and improve these issues and your sex life! Here’s the problem, however … if your pelvic floor is already too tight - kegels will only make the situation worse. Kegels also may not uniformly tone your pelvic floor. If you choose to do Kegel’s -best practice is to count to 5 or 10 as you contract and then the same number as you fully release. Make sure to give the release just as much attention as the contraction.

Pilates is an excellent way to address the pelvic floor. Many of the exercises we do intuitively use our pelvic floors without over contracting them. For those with tinkle issues - Pilates may be just what you need to stop the drip! Don’t settle for this is just how it is. Give Pilates a try. I have had many students tell me in amazement their issues went away after doing Pilates for a just a short time.

If you are having more severe issues including pain during urination or sex or full incontinence, please see a pelvic floor Physical Therapist. This is what they do and they know how to help you! Yes it may seem embarrassing to discuss such topics with a PT but they have heard it all and want you to be you again. There is hope!