Surprise Pilates

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I imagine by now all have heard the horrible news of a helicopter crash that took the lives of nine people including Kobe Bryant and his daughter. It’s devastating to think about those losses and the families affected. Even though most of us can’t say we know these people, we can empathize and be saddened by lives cut short.

When I heard about Kobe’s death and realized he was only 41 my first thought was that’s younger than me! And I thought about what I would have missed if my life had ended at 41 … and it’s a lot! That’s some perspective. Some times that perspective is just what we need to be grateful and get our butt in gear.

While there is a lot I have accomplished there are also things I haven’t done yet. What’s holding me back? For the most part it’s me! It’s my choice not to take action. My choice to delay. My choice to let fear postpone forward movement. There is also the thought of having plenty of time. What if I don’t?

When bad things happen our default is often to do less. Sometimes we isolate, curl up on the couch, mourn and disengage a bit. It’s hard to handle a lot of emotion and keep plugging through life. Shutting down is a bit easier. BUT … I encourage you to do the opposite. Use this as perspective. Live the life those nine people can no longer live. Go. Do. Make an actual list of your plans, goals, to-do’s. Start small if you need to but start.

Once you start crossing things off that list, you will feel empowered, motivated and ready for more. If you wait until you feel ready … it could be a while - so just start. While you are making lists … how about a lists of things that you are grateful for - big and small. It’s helpful to have a written list to refer to from time to time when you need a reminder. If you are reading this blog, chances are good you are on your computer or smart phone, you are literate, and you have the time to enjoy a blog. Those right there are three things not all have.

Let’s start today and use this tragedy as perspective. Let’s do the things we are putting off. Let’s take the leap because life is short and should be lived!