Surprise Pilates

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Thank YOU!

Today was my last day of teaching at the Studio I created a little over three years ago. It’s crazy how time flies! I remember being so nervous about signing a three year lease and yet it went by so quickly. Even with a pandemic Shine Pilates grew and thrived and made me proud!

I am so grateful for all the students I have met and have had the chance to work with. One of the reasons I love teaching Pilates so much is because I get to see the work helping my students AND I get to meet such a wide variety of people. The need for Pilates or enjoyment of Pilates transcends ages, politics, lifestyles and more. Without Pilates, I am sure I would not have met half the people who have walked through my door!

I have learned from each of you and I have laughed with you, too. I’ve said this before - I love the relationships that are created in the studio. I have enjoyed seeing one student support another going through the same dental experience or another student helping a younger student secure an internship. Or two students meeting and working on a design project together. Paths have crossed and great things have happened!

Today had me really thinking about how those relationships have impacted ME! I am a better person and a better teacher because of all of YOU! Each person that came in with a special need or circumstance was a puzzle I was challenged to figure out. I really believe that is how we grow and it’s important to always be a student in this field.

I am also grateful for the wisdom shared and well as the friendships created! I may be moving but you all are coming along for the ride! My instagram is staying the same as is my FB page and this blog. Thank you all for being in my life!