Surprise Pilates

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3 Ways to Prepare For Your Pilates Class

Today we have a guest author: Brooke Wakeham

Pilates can be intimidating. There, I said it! Don’t get me wrong- I love it! I have found in Pilates a full-body workout that really fits my lifestyle. I crave both the stretch and the burn that comes with a great class. But did those big machines and flexible bodies around me make me nervous at first? 


I find that when I am facing something new, the best way to hype myself up and feel more comfortable is to research and find out everything I can about it. So that is what I did before my first reformer Pilates class. I found out all there is to know about Joseph Pilates and what his inspiration was when he created the exercises and the goals he had for his students. His focus was on the following:



*Body Awareness

He coined the term “contrology” to describe the technique that he started in the 1920’s. It was used primarily as a form of rehabilitation for soldiers. Later on, others caught on to the potential benefits including dancers, athletes, and regular folks wanting to improve their health. Current athletes like Jake Arrietta, pitcher for the Chicago Cubs, and Antonio Brown, NFL wide receiver, credit their physical improvements in part due to their Pilates practice. 

Here, Arrietta describes his experience (source: Sports Illustrated):

"It's an incredible experience," Arrieta says. "Pilates has been around a long time but maybe was taboo in this sport. I think it's only a matter of time before you see a reformer in every big league clubhouse."

"What I noticed from Pilates last year was that I have much better control of my body,” Arrieta says. “I repeat my delivery consistently. My balance is much improved. And the mental and physical toughness Pilates requires to complete movements the correct way have directly helped me on the mound.”

Countless people have discovered the connection that can be made between mind, body and spirit through the moves done in Pilates. You can learn for yourself! Here are some ways to prepare yourself for your first class:

Do Your Research

The best way that I found to prepare myself was to find out everything I could about what I was getting into. First, I asked the instructor questions prior to going in about what type of class I would be joining. There are several different kinds of classes- reformer, mat, cardio-based, stretching or strength-focused, etc. Knowing which class I was going to prompted me to search on youtube so I could look up some basic moves. If you have a good instructor, they won’t leave you to fend for yourself, don’t worry! I’m just the type that always looks at the menu before I go to the restaurant, if you know what I mean...

Get the Right Gear

As a former athlete myself, and the mother of athletic kids, I am used to hauling around major gear when it is time to work out or compete. With Pilates, there is very little that you will need. Comfortable athleisure clothing will suit you just fine. I prefer stretchy, form-fitting shirts and leggings just because some of the moves intend for your body to be inverted and I like things to stay where they should. The only other item you will need is the socks with the tread on the bottom.

Get Your Mind Right

One thing that you may end up loving about Pilates is that you are asked to focus on each move as you complete it. You concentrate on your breathing, foot position, core, and spine, as you practice. I love this because it makes you focus on that specific moment and what your body is doing. Before you get to your class, be prepared to turn your mind over to your time in the studio. A good instructor will give clear instructions and help you if you are struggling. Leave your worries at the door and prepare to focus on yourself. 

There are so many benefits to practicing Pilates. It truly is an investment in your health and wellness. As a busy mom and teacher, I find that taking the time to literally breathe makes me a better parent and wife. Although I was a little bit nervous before my first class, I soon realized that everyone there wanted me to succeed. My instructor supported me and my classmates had all been there before so no one was judging. With the right gear, class type, and focus, you can reach your fitness goals and feel prepared for your Pilates practice. 



Brooke is a freelance writer focusing on health and wellness, travel and education topics. She loves practicing Pilates at home and in the studio when she isn’t cooking yummy vegan dishes or driving her kids to sports practices.