Surprise Pilates

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Quarantine Report Card

I started this blog two weeks into Quarantine with the intent of updating you all every few weeks. I was winning at quarantine! And then I hit a wall. And I stopped updating this blog. I’ve talked to many of you, and you too have had the same roller coaster of going, going, doing good, then crashing, and not doing good. I think it is very normal and we can’t expect to be sailing through this strange time. For me the not knowing of when will this end, when will we reopen the studio, what will business look like then is what brings me crashing down from time to time.

I debated not sharing this blog but I have always aspired to be transparent and real with these blogs. And this is me being real. Maybe sharing my ups and downs will help you feel okay about yours. That is my hope. So if you choose to keep reading realize this starts off sunny and then goes cloudy before the sun comes back out ;-)


It’s been a couple weeks so I figured I’d give you an update on my quarantine to do list. I’ll be honest I spent the first week of quarantine acting like I was on vacation. I stayed up late, I slept late, drinking wine most nights, and binge watching TV. It was a welcome break from the usual and I don’t regret it! When we are handed a break it’s not a bad idea to take advantage of it.

Here’s a look Quarantine Week 1

  • I ran and worked out just about every day as I like to do on vacation. It felt great to have the time and to push myself. I was able to wait until the weather was just right before heading out the door, too! Just like vacation!

  • I cooked more - even making a turkey and brussel sprouts kind of like Thanksgiving that I was able to eat on most of the week.

  • I talked on the phone significantly more - reconnecting with old friends near and far. That was great!

  • My screen time was way up!

  • My chocolate consumption - also up

  • My wine consumption- also up! It was vacation after all!

  • I filmed several videos and published those on YouTube for anyone needing a workout

  • I cleaned and organized various parts of my house

  • I checked out a new to me Park -McConnell Springs … and intended to keep exploring local parks

  • I finished my continuing education Pilates course - woo hoo!

  • I started cleaning up my patio area and planting some herbs and flowers.

Week 2

  • I continued to keep up my running and working out.I feel like a contestant on the Biggest Loser! I workout in the morning, preparing healthy foods because that’s all I have, walking in the afternoon, more healthy food, and I limited contact by phone with friends and family … here’s hoping there is a 250K prize at the end of this!

  • I wrote 5 star Google reviews for 6 of my favorite local businesses. It’s a small thing I can do - but it helps get them noticed and feel appreciated. hint hint - feel free to write a great Google review for Shine Pilates!

  • My explore the parks plan was crushed by the Governor this week - I agree with some of what he is doing but not this one. Folks need an outlet and an activity for their mental and physical well-being. All I have seen at the parks have been respectful and responsible.

  • I began an online course from Yale University! Yeap - you read that I right … I go to Yale now ;-) The course is all about increasing your happiness … so that seemed appropriate at the time.

  • I finished my book club book finally!!!

  • Chocolate consumption still high at the beginning of the week … but I am getting better now.

  • Wine consumption - down somewhat.

  • Screen time - still high but some of that is filming and editing videos

  • I continue to find random things to clean - like the outside lights. I really want to make the most of this time and do the things I usually don’t have time for.

  • I finished my patio area and my herb garden

  • I haven’t missed a day of my plank challenge yet - we are up to 4 minutes!!

  • I also applied for unemployment - certainly not something I ever planned to do but we just don’t know how long this will last and there is a lease to be paid!

So overall across the two weeks I’ve had some solid wins and some ‘needs improvements’. I have found it helps me to keep a written list of what I want to do. Having the accountability of seeing it and being able to cross items off really keeps me on task. We will see what week 3 brings.

Week 3 - I hit a wall. Once I realized I would not be reopening in April, I felt overwhelmed with the time I had ahead of me. I felt angry and disinterested in keeping up all the progress I was making on my home, my health and so on. Why bother?

I can say I gave up drinking wine for the most part - it wasn’t really doing much for me. Screen time- way up! Chocolate consumption - all time high. At this point I am single handedly keeping Target in business with my chocolate purchases! Exercise is down. Motivation down. I feel tired and I know that is more emotional than physical. I know working out makes me feel better. I know accomplishing things makes me feel better. I know being active gives me more energy and helps me sleep better. But some days it’s hard to do the right thing. I did continue with my Yale course and filmed some videos. I am also happy to report I am now collaborating with Pop-Sculpt-Lex and adding content to their on-demand website. I believe it’s normal during these uncertain times to have these ups and downs. It’s okay to not be ‘winning’ every day. I am trying to give myself some grace.

Week 4 and beyond - I got back on that train of doing it! Some times it starts with just committing to a ten minute walking. I have found setting some new goals for myself helps. I don’t make them grand goals - but instead smaller goals and if I exceed my goal even better. I will run three miles tomorrow- often turns into 4 or 5 miles. If it’s only 3 miles - that is still a win.

Things I am committing to moving forward:

  • Finishing my Yale course

  • Continuing to add videos to my YouTube library and Pop-Sculpt-Lex for you all!

  • Continuing to cook and eat healthy and cutting back on sugar - my current crutch - my wallet and waist need to say no to chocolate from Target! (Note: Why is there not a chocolate shortage???)

  • Get back on my regular sleep schedule - I’m still staying up late and the cats are not happy with brunch instead of breakfast!

  • Finish two new books I have started

  • Walking and taking time to be present and appreciate this downtime

  • Continuing to connect with friends - it’s good for me and them!

  • Biking - I’ve been biking most weeks with a friend and that has been a lot of fun. Pre-quarantine I probably would have thought I was too busy for this. I am glad for this new activity.

I know this will continue to be a roller coaster. I know I do better taking this day by day. I hope I can go back to work before, too, long. I have turned in my application to the Health Board and feel we could safely reopen … but that’s not my call. We will see!