Surprise Pilates

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Set Smaller Goals!

Here we are the second week of January and I bet some have already struggled with New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe you started and then stopped. Maybe you never started? Regardless of what your circumstances are - all is not lost! Let’s reset and set smaller goals!

That may sound a bit crazy. New Year’s is all about achieving big things isn't it? Maybe. But sometimes those big goals we set are not realistic. Sometimes those big goals are daunting and a recipe for defeat. Why not start small and build small success after small success? Let’s compare a few scenarios.

Goal- get healthy, toned and strong!

Big Resolution: I will workout every day or at least 5 days a week!

Problem - If you are going from not working out to all of a sudden working out … ramping up that quickly could lead to injury. Problem 2 - Trying to change your schedule that much may be difficult. Most of us could use more time so trying to change your schedule every day is a lot!

Small Resolution: I will workout 2 to 3 times a week.

Solution - This gives your body time to adapt and your schedule time to adjust. And the good news is maybe some weeks you hit 4 workouts - great! But you are’t a ‘failure’ if you only workout two times a week. That’s two times more than you did before.

I believe in setting smaller goals that I can achieve. When I do - I create a new goal or expand my goal. I feel great when I ‘overachieve’ and I feel good when I hit my goal. I don’t have to beat myself up for not reaching an unrealistic goal … and I do accomplish my goal of getting fit at a pace that my body can handle.

If you need help setting goals or figuring out a plan - just ask! At Shine Pilates we want to see you reach your goals and help you get there, too. We love knew students and believe Pilates is for everybody. You are not too inflexible, too out of shape, too old, too overweight, or too clumsy for Pilates! Pilates meets you where you are ;-) Come Shine with US!