Surprise Pilates

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Slow Down

This weekend I had a friend and fellow Pilates instructor In town visiting me. She also presented our Golf Workshop. For fun on Sunday morning, we went over to Sterling Grove and played the 18 hole putting course. Jo Ann is an avid golfer. I can best be described as a beginner with clubs!

It was great having Jo Ann give me pointers on my putting. Repeatedly she told me to slow down. She encouraged me to take a few moments to set myself up and take some practice swing. All the same I felt the need to not hold anyone up and to not waste time setting up. We did not have people waiting on is … it was just that inane feeling of not wanting anyone to wait on me to get my act together! When I did actually slow down, set my shot up, and take a practice swing I had better success. I am going to try to remember this valuable lesson next time I am putting. The few moments of set up made all the difference!

The next day I was back in the studio with a private client. I found myself telling him the same thing - slow down. Take a moment to set yourself tup for success. Don’t just jump into an exercise. I was pretty much telling him exactly what Jo Ann had told me! He had the same concerns of not wanting to hold anyone up …. even though this was. private session.

I think it is pretty natural for humans when doing something new or unfamiliar to not want to draw attention. We think we are drawing that attention by taking our time to set up properly. We think we are holding up everyone even if no one is really waiting or concerned.

In our Stott Teacher Training, the idea of first setting a student up for success and then getting them moving and finally fine tuning was repeated over and over again. I believe this advice applies not only to Pilates but to putting, tennis, and so much more.

What if we all slowed down? What if we let go of the worry of ‘holding people up’ or drawing attention in ourselves and attempt to do something properly? I bet we would all have better success!