Surprise Pilates

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Support & Accountability

Like most women, I woke up early and watched the royal wedding this weekend. It was beautiful, inspiring, heartwarming, and felt so special. But why do we get up early to watch or why do we show up for weddings in general? We do it to support the Bride and Groom. We do it to help the couple on their special day and to support their decision to be married. 

It's a wonderful thing to support our friends. It's a wonderful feeling to be supported. Anyone who's ever planned a wedding knows it can be stressful! There may be moments of wanting to skip the big event and elope! But knowing friends and family are coming for the big day makes us accountable! And that is the beauty of the support and accountability we receive from our loved ones - it encourages us to push through the difficult parts to reach the outcome we want. 

For several months, I've been tinkering with intermittent fasting. Prior to moving to Lexington, I did my research and decide this was a good idea for me. I began and held to the fasting schedule most days. With that, I saw results and felt great. But the stress and schedule of moving, new studio, new home, erratic schedule - I've been less successful at keeping my fast and following the plan ...and it's shown. 

Last week I mentioned to two friends that I had decided it was time to really get back to it and I also wanted to try carb cycling. Having done more research, I realized this combo might be great for me and at the very least I was curious about trying it. Two gal pals chimed in and said: "I'll do it with you!"  Having that support is amazing. I know they'll be checking on me and I'll be checking on them. I know we'll share our success and encourage each other when we slip a bit. I am now accountable. It is not just me! When it gets hard I have support.

Having accountability and support, I believe increases our chances of success. We are not charting a lonely path but going with friends and helping each other along the way. 

I've seen this time and time again in the studio friends or family members that commit to workout together are more likely to hold their regular schedule. When one person is feeling less motivated the other person is pushing them along. There is an expectation of showing up for your partner. They receive support and accountability from each other. 

If you have big goals or even small ones, I encourage you to find a friend or family member to join you in your pursuits. It's much easier with friends holding us accountable. 

And if you have been thinking about trying Pilates - I'm now offering a special promotion - Three duet sessions for you and your friend/partner for just $179 total. That's almost buy one get one free! This for a limited time ... so grab a friend and make that commitment together :) 

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