Surprise Pilates

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Taking my Own Advice!

I say this often to clients … when life gets in the way and busy our workouts are just as important. We need our Pilates sessions to help destress or unwind tight tense muscles. I often find I am so much more productive when I take that hour to myself. I can only go so much before I need some time to reset, focus on myself and move! This week - I really needed to take my own advice!

It should be no secret by now that Pilates is an excellent stress reliever. Taking an hour to put aside your concerns and stressors and just focus inward can be so therapeutic. The beauty of Pilates is you really can’t just go through the motions. Pilates done right requires you to pay attention to your breath, feel what you feel in your body, tune in and be present. It’s just not the kind of workout where you can be mentally making your grocery list while working on the reformer!

When we take time to take care of ourselves even during stressful times, we sleep better, we tend to eat better and we cope better. One good action can lead to more good actions!

This past week I have been so busy changing the branding at the studio and changing the software. I had originally thought I’d have a bit more time before making these changes but with the end of the old software contract and the need to make both changes in sync it has happened very fast. I’ve been stressed! I want this to go smoothly for everyone! There are so many parts behind the scenes I’ve been working to set up, change and establish. I’m excited for the end result but feeling the pressure of the approaching deadline.

At the end of last week I found myself feeling stressed out and I realized as much as I was teaching Pilates, I had made very little time for me to do Pilates. When you have access to the equipment, it’s easy to say I’ll do it tomorrow. On Friday I decided instead of rushing home to work on the computer I was going to ‘work’ on the reformer! It was just what I needed. I came home refreshed and I realized much of what I was stressing about was not the important stuff!!

So what is important? My priority is happy students, a studio that offers high quality Pilates and really cares about our clients. We may not seamlessly have all the logos changed at once. We many not have all the client notifications worded exactly as I’d like … but these are just details that can be fixed in time. I needed my Pilates session to refocus and remind myself of that. I needed to take my own advice and take care of me with Pilates so I could be better able to handle all that was on my plate.

I’m plugging along on my to-do list but this past weekend I also took time to go for a hike, to workout on the tower and to get my nails done. These are the things that make me feel good. When I feel good I do good!

Come Thursday night I hope all is exactly as it should be … but if you see an old logo or some odd copy … just know what matters is right and these can be fixed!