Surprise Pilates

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Teacher Training Begins Again

One year ago I took the leap and offered teacher training for the first time. I was nervous. I had some self-doubt. Was I qualified? Could I offer my potential mentees the same fabulous experience I had?

I reached out to fellow Pilates instructors in other cities and to get their advice, to discuss my hopes, and also share my concerns. At the end of the day - I needed more instructors and instructors I could trust to care about our clients and their bodies at the same high level that I do. I bit the bullet and launched Shine Pilates Teacher Training!

I am so thankful I ventured into this scary space and took on this challenge. They say real change and success comes when we tackle what scares us. If you have taken a class with Porsche - you know it was worth it and successful!

Today - I embarked on round three with two lovely and eager ladies. The thing about teacher training is not only I am training the students I am also retraining myself. I am encouraged to bring my A-game and be the best demonstration for these ladies. I am motivated to really dive deep into the concepts and find new ways to explain them. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t learning, too.

I think we all can benefit from going back and relearning from time to time or seeking out continuing education in a field we like. It could be as simple as reading a new book that challenges our thinking or trying a new challenge like pilates and learning our bodies in a new way. When we get complacent in our learning or our lifestyle - we stop growing. When we stop growing often times our motivation dwindles and so does our drive. For years I did the same series of exercises at the gym and I ran. I felt like I was in decent shape. Then I tried my first Pilates class and was humbled! I couldn’t do half of it. I had grown complacent in my workouts and stopped challenging myself. Pilates was the challenge I needed.

Whatever you may need or wherever you have grown complacent - I encourage you to challenge yourself. Do the thing that is a bit scary. Take the leap. You’ll be glad you did!