Surprise Pilates

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Vacation To Do List

Everyone deserves and needs a vacation and Summer time is a great time to get away. Vacations allow us to unplug, disconnect, and refresh. Checking out of your daily routine from time to time also allows us to check back in with more vigor and enthusiasm. Simply put vacations are good for our emotional and mental health.

So here is my to do list on vacation:

  1. Put down the cell phone and devices. Take a break from social media - except this blog obviously ;-)  Allow yourself to disconnect a bit and just enjoy the present. Often times we are inundated by politics, neighborhood gossip, unpleasant news, and judgement (from others and what we put on ourselves by comparison) on social media. Take a timeout from all of that. It is really quite refreshing. Use your phone to capture memories not view other people's memories!

  2. Read a book or magazine. Why does reading feel so indulgent vs. hours spent in front of Netflixs? Reading allows you to use your own imagination and become part of the story. Try non-fiction to learn about a topic or person that interests you. It can be inspiring or motivating to learn something new.

  3. Try something new. Whether that's a new restaurant or a new activity, get out of your comfort zone and try something new. I like to find a studio when I travel and try a new class or workout. You may discover something you really love or be reminded how much you love what you have at home. Either way trying something new will engage your senses and give you a new appreciation and experience.

  4. Move. Take advantage of your free time on vacation to get some movement in. Whether that's ten minutes of beach Pilates or a walk through a quaint neighborhood, you will feel better and sleep better for a little movement. If you are a runner, explore a new route on vacation and check out the scenery while you run. Rent a bike and tour the town. There are so many ways to move on vacation that are quite fun.

  5. Indulge with reason. It's vacation so yes you should try some new things and have a few treats. Just remember the more you indulge the more work you have to do when you return. It's not fun to come home from vacation feeling thick and sluggish. Choose your indulgences. If you love brunch, have a lighter dinner or forgo mindless snacking. Not every meal needs to be a big event. I love to substitute a smoothie for a meal while on vacation - it's quick, on the go, and allows me to get nutrients while being active.

Needing a little movement help on vacation?  Here is a link to my youtube channel where you will find lots of short free videos with exercises and challenges you can do to start or finish your day!

Shine Pilates Studio Videos

Have a great, happy, healthy vacation - I can't wait to hear all about it when you are back in the studio!