Surprise Pilates

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Why Pilates?

As a Pilates teacher and studio owner, I am asked often, “So what is Pilates?” I’ve always struggled to come up with one succinct sentence to answer that question! Pilate is so much … how do I put that in one short sentence.

I believe Pilates is an intelligent method of movement that uses the mind and the body to creates balance in our muscles while building strength and flexibility. That’s pretty good but … it’s also a great form of therapy for injury rehab, chronic conditions, neurological conditions and more. Then again healthy people and superior professional athletes use Pilates, too, for a competitive advantage. Do you see my problem? Pilates can be many things depending on what your need is! Pilates is for the young and the old and the beauty is they can both be in the same class working at their level. I don’t know too many other forms of exercise that would be true for.

One of the reasons I love Pilates is because it becomes what the student needs. Stressed out mom needing to decompress, find some balance and breath - Pilates to the rescue. Active senior with some nagging pains and past injuries wanting to stay in the game - Pilates keeps them on the court or golf course. Nine to Five worker with an achy back and weak core - Pilates makes that desk job doable and alleviates the back pain. Student with a neurological condition like MS wanting to hold on to where they are and not lose ground - Pilates helps!

I could simple say Pilates is exactly what your body needs it to be … but I fear my audience would respond with a blank stare! I’ll keep working on my sentence while you keep working on your core :)