Surprise Pilates

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You Do You!

One of the elements I love about Pilates is the fact that it can be modified for just about anybody. If you’ve taken a private or class with me, you have most certainly heard me say, “If anything doesn’t feel right to you, let me know because we can modify it for you!” I firmly believe the work needs to work for you not the other way around.

I had an interesting conversation with a student today and she talked about classes she had taken at another studio. She mentioned she was scolded and called out for omitting c-curve because it hurt her neck. She has issues with her neck and c-curve exacerbates those. C-curve is not right for everybody. I applaud her for listening to her body and choosing not to do something that she knew would cause her pain in the long run.

You need to do you! You need to listen to your body. You are the expert on your body.

It is my job to challenge you, to motivate you, and to safely push you. That does not include forcing a pre-determined set of exercise on you! My job is to choose what’s right for you. I may encourage you to do more repetitions than you thought you could or to challenge your balance but safety and proper body function are always key.

I’ve been in situations myself where I have taken a class and have been asked to do something that I knew would not be good for my body. It’s uncomfortable to speak up. No one wants to feel they are disrupting a class. And unfortunately speaking up is not always met with support or a kind answer. At Shine Pilates, I want to encourage you to Speak Up! Do You! You will be met with a receptive and helpful response. The more we know about you the better we can adapt to what we give you to do. It should be a collaborative partnership.

My feelings won’t be hurt if c-curve isn’t right for you! I love a challenge - so bring on your body quirks and let’s see what we can come up with! Pilates has something to offer everyone and one size doesn’t to have to fit all! Even in a group class - you can do you - and it can be a great experience!

Come Shine With Us!