Your Why

The other day I had a client say to me that after two years of hip pain from torn labrums, she is no longer in pain. She used to be a runner and realizes she can’t run anymore but still wanted a pain free life… Pilates is giving that to her. That is her ‘Why’.

Another student told me Pilates alleviated her back pain and allowed her to be able to go deep sea fishing again. This is passion she and her husband share and she had been told she may never be able to do it again. On a recent trip - she gave it a try and now with a strong core and back - she is pain free and fishing again! That is her ‘Why’.

We each have our own ‘why’ for Pilates. Sometimes it’s about being fit and other time it’s about being out of pain and able to do what we want and need to do. For others it’s a calm hour to destress or maybe it’s about becoming lean … whatever you why is - it’s important.

I was speaking with my father this evening and he gave me the advice “to not get old!”. If only it were that simple. My Pilates why is feeling strong and being able to be active in all the things I want to do without injury or issue.

Sometimes my life gets busy and unfortunately my workouts take a back seat, too. I don’t feel as good physically or even emotionally about myself when I don’t get my workouts in. During one such busy time at the beginning of February I went curling with my friends - a fun activity! But I managed to fracture my arm and damage two tendons. I wonder if I had been working out as much as I like if I would have been more prepared and less prone to injury? Never the less - it affirms my Why … I want to be able to try new things and feel strong without getting injured. I need Pilates for that!

There are so many reasons to do Pilates - what ever your Why is … we are glad you choose to Shine with us!