Why and How?

When I stumbled upon Pilates or more accurately was dragged by a friend, I realized very quickly the benefits to my body. I didn’t totally understand how this was different than the others activities I was doing. I was a runner, I lifted weights, I taught spinning and jumped at the chance to do most active fun events like canoe, boating, biking, etc. As I saw my body transforming in a very short period of time, I became intrigued. I wanted to know the why and the how of Pilates. It was only a few short months after my first class that I signed up for teacher training to learn more!

Through the years I have had the opportunity to attend many conferences, summits, workshops, classes and trainings. I’ve considered myself fortunate that my continuing education is something I look forward to and love! Too many others - lawyers, doctors, teachers, tax folks I know - dread continuing education! Each of these opportunities has answered more of the why and how for me. Each time I was able to delve a bit deeper, learn something new and walk away with a nugget or two that I could not wait to share.

It’s my hope for you, too, that you are curious and ask the why and how questions in class. I don’t expect you to study Pilates like I have or become a teacher. But - I also hope you don’t just go through the motions in class hitting the right number of repetitions without a thought as to what you are doing. I really believe Pilates gets better and the results are better when you focus in and know why and how you are doing a movement. You are better able to engage the right muscles when you know how. You are more likely to embrace a challenging movement when you know why. Some aspects of Pilates are subtle and I can’t see if you are engaging your pelvic floor but oh the difference it makes when you do it right!

Next class if you aren’t sure about the Why or the How - ask! Pilates teachers geek about explaining these things so you’ll be making my day!