What Spring?

This is one of the most common questions I get asked in a Pilates session - what spring should I be on. While we have guidelines for movements - the answer really is “It depends!”

In the beginning of my training I memorized those guidelines like the Bible and felt there was no room for deviation. It was either right or wrong. One red spring or else! Then I encountered clients who couldn’t do one red spring, so I had to flex and bend a little and switch to half a spring. I had some clients who need more so again I had to flex and add more springs.

These days I like to think about the springs more like a serving suggestion. Sometimes you need a bigger/heavier serving and some days you want a lighter serving. What I watch for now is to see that you aren’t fighting the weight. If it’s too heavy we miss all that good work with our smaller stabilizing muscles. On the flip side if it’s too light, it can be too unstable and potential not safe. Sometimes for male clients we need to add bit more so they can control the movement.

Having a better understanding of the power of the springs now, I like to play with the weight. I may do double leg work on light springs and really feel my core working. I may do feet in straps on a heavier spring and really feel my hamstrings working. Each spring choice brings with it a different challenge.

I don’t mind you asking if you are on the right spring and I’ll always be happy to tell you why I choose the spring I did for you! Like much of Pilates those springs hold a little magic in them!