Posts tagged reformer
More than Fitness

This week I received a message from a former student of mine in Nashville letting me know she was training to be a Pilates Teacher! I was thrilled to hear this and honored that I had been her first experience with Pilates. To date I believe about a dozen of my former students are now Pilates Teachers! That really warms my Pilates heart.

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Unpopular Opinion

It’s a new year and with that comes the discussion of New Year’s Resolutions. ately I have noticed it is popular for those in the health and fitness realm to talk about why they don’t support the idea of resolutions. I see many posts and blogs along the lines of “Why I’ll never do New Years Resolutions and why you shouldn’t either!” That’s a pretty a definitive statement isn’t it!

Well, I am over here with the unpopular opinion that I actually like New Years Resolutions!

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What Pilates has given me!

It’s Thanksgiving weekend and I’ve had some time to take a deep breath or two and relax. I always find Thanksgiving to be a time of contemplation. It’s a time to take stake of what is good and appreciate the opportunities, people, and accomplishments in my life.

This Thanksgiving has me thinking about what Pilates has done for me.

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The other day I went to a concert and bought a bottle of Dasani Water. It was $8.75! I remember when it seemed ridiculous to pay $4 for the same water. It’s no secret that prices have gone up in a lot of places due to inflation. There are some items we just need - like water when you are thirsty. We have to bite the bullet and pay the higher price in these instances.

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Give the Compliment

I have the unique perspective while I am teaching Pilates to see folks walking by outside entering and exciting the building. I see a parade of different bodies and different levels of fitness. I’ve noticed one of the gals who works in a office a few doors down often walks by getting her steps in. We say hi to each other when we meet in the bathroom or on the sidewalk. Yesterday as she walked by I noticed through the window she seemed to have really slimmed down.

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Now and Later

It’s awfully hot in Arizona this time of year. It doesn't cool off much at night either and that has made it more challenging for me to run outdoors. I could get up even earlier but it still often already in the 90’s.

it would be very easy to say I’m taking the Summer off and I’ll resume later when it’s cooler.

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I’ve been watching a series on Hulu that I’ve been really enjoying. I look forward to the next episode. I find myself, however, at times also trying to do other things on my phone and then missing a chunk of the show. I either have to rewind and rewatch the show or just try to figure out what I missed. I’m not focusing enough on the show to be enjoying it like I could.

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Slow Down

I’m a type A personality and this has served me well in many ways. My drive and goal oriented nature has kept me pushing to succeed despite obstacles along the way. I am doer and I tend to take on a lot. I enjoy being busy and accomplishing new things. I love checking items off my to-do list. But there is also a down side to being type A. I have a hard time slowing down and taking a break. Running my body at high speed and under stress is a recipe for a bad sleep, weekend immune system and a crash in energy.

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I just returned from a Pilates Summit in Austin, TX this afternoon. It was a full and fabulous weekend - more on that in a future blog! Now that I am home - it would be really easy to relax, watch some tv and recoup.;

Instead, I stopped by the grocery store on the way home to get some healthy food to prep for this week. It was a quick trip - and I picked up some broccoli, greens and chicken. We ate. some fabulous meals and indulged a bit in Texas so now I want to start my week eating clean and healthy.

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