This week I received a message from a former student of mine in Nashville letting me know she was training to be a Pilates Teacher! I was thrilled to hear this and honored that I had been her first experience with Pilates. To date I believe about a dozen of my former students are now Pilates Teachers! That really warms my Pilates heart.
Read MoreThere are some common questions I am asked at the studio and today I thought I would answer them for anyone reading. I always welcome your questions as they make me consider a different perspective sometimes or confirm that where we are is where we should be! So here we go:
Q: Why Don’t You Offer Your Classes in Levels?
Read MoreIt’s Thanksgiving weekend and I’ve had some time to take a deep breath or two and relax. I always find Thanksgiving to be a time of contemplation. It’s a time to take stake of what is good and appreciate the opportunities, people, and accomplishments in my life.
This Thanksgiving has me thinking about what Pilates has done for me.
Read MoreThis past July I had the opportunity to join in the teacher training hosted by Shine Pilates for Stott Teacher trainers. I’ve always held Stott’s method in high regard - some even say it’s the Harvard of Pilates schools!
Read MoreI have been a certified Pilates teacher for quite a few years. I completed my teacher training back in 2009. Since then I have participated in numerous conferences, workshops, and continuing education opportunities. When you find something you love to do - you don’t mind and even enjoy the continuing education!
Read MoreI was a spinning instructor for several years before I became certified in Pilates. To get certified in Spinning you go for a full day and learn all about the bike, teaching, class design and more. You spin about three times in that 12 hour day. It’s a lot but you leave feeling excited and empowered to teach spinning! I expected when I started researching Pilates certifications it would be similar. Boy was I wrong! It was so so much more!
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