Why Teacher Training?

I was a spinning instructor for several years before I became certified in Pilates. To get certified in Spinning you go for a full day and learn all about the bike, teaching, class design and more. You spin about three times in that 12 hour day. It’s a lot but you leave feeling excited and empowered to teach spinning! I expected when I started researching Pilates certifications it would be similar. Boy was I wrong! It was so so much more!

As someone who was used to teaching a fitness class, I didn't quite get why Pilates training was going to be so much longer and so much more involved. As the saying goes “You don’t know what you don’t know!” I also expected all the gals I was training with would want to teach Pilates, too - and I was wrong about that as well!

What I actually gained from Pilates training was a deep understanding of my own body in a way I never had before … even as an athlete. Issues I had faced suddenly made sense with this new knowledge. Why were my hip flexors always so tight … because of my anteriorly tilted pelvis. No medical professional ever seemed to notice or explain that to me.

I also gained a deep understand of other people’s bodies and ways I may be able to help them. I learned what not to do as well. I left training with a tool kit full of lots of special movements and ideas to solve the puzzle of my next student. I was excited for the possibilities and the outcomes I knew I could help create!

I saw changes in my body that I just never expected. I was a runner and spinning instructor going into this training so I thought I was in pretty good shape. Pilates changed my body and made me strong in a whole new way. My muscular legs stayed strong but leaned out, my mid section narrowed and I even had to buy all new bras because my ribcage become more narrow!

In Pilates training I got to delve into the science of it and the WHY! I really believe this is what is missing in many fitness programs. The why needs to be more than because it’s hard or it will make you sweat. I learned how to thoughtfully put together a class or private or even my own workout.

An unexpected benefit was the friendships made that I still have to this day. In some ways Pilates training was emotional and we all shared our vulnerabilities and supported each other. I did not expect that but I am grateful for it. Pilates after all is a mind body exercise and training forced us to use our minds and address our insecurities in a positive way. I think I can speak for the gals I trained with and say we all grew as women and left more confident in our bodies because of training.

One of my instructors told us at the beginning of training that by the end we would wish it was longer … we all thought she was crazy as we looked at the lengthy schedule. She was absolutely right. Pilates training lite a fire in each of us to want to know more! And that held true for the gals who had no interest in teaching and where there for their own practice and knowledge.

Pilates Teacher Training truly changed my life. I found a passion I’d been seeking and a purpose.

If you are considering our Stott Teacher Training I encourage you to take the leap! You won’t regret it. I really don’t know one person who did teacher training and thought it was a waste of time! Feel free to ask me all the questions - I’m always happy to chat Pilates!