Posts in Pilates Continuing Ed.
More Training??

This past weekend I had the opportunity to participate in a Pilates Suspension Method Retreat. Overf the course of 3 days we laarned more than 200 Pilates Suspension moves on the suspension apparatus with Rebecca Beckler. She is wonderful and a wealth of knowledge.I highly recommend you follow her and train with her if you get the chance. We spent about 8 hours a day moving our bodies, challenging our minds. laughing, learning and growing. I loved every minute of it! This was actually my Christmas present to myself attending this retreat.

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Teacher Training Again!

I have been a certified Pilates teacher for quite a few years. I completed my teacher training back in 2009. Since then I have participated in numerous conferences, workshops, and continuing education opportunities. When you find something you love to do - you don’t mind and even enjoy the continuing education!

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Why Teacher Training?

I was a spinning instructor for several years before I became certified in Pilates. To get certified in Spinning you go for a full day and learn all about the bike, teaching, class design and more. You spin about three times in that 12 hour day. It’s a lot but you leave feeling excited and empowered to teach spinning! I expected when I started researching Pilates certifications it would be similar. Boy was I wrong! It was so so much more!

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Students Make the Best Teachers

Between Christmas and New Years, I had the opportunity to do online training, continuing education, and to catch up on reading articles/watching videos about Pilates I had been saving for some time. I spent time learning more about influential people in the Pilates industry like Mari Winsor and Rael Isacowitz. It was interesting to learn how they found Pilates, where they trained, and how they grew their business. It was also interesting to hear their perspectives on Pilates, teaching philosophies, and the method as a whole.

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Do No Harm

Doctor’s are required to take the Hippocratic Oath which states that they should “Do No Harm”. To best of my knowledge and recollection with my Pilates certification there is no such requirement. But maybe there should be?

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Plans For 2019

Whether you make resolutions or not … the beginning of a new year is a good time to think about where you are and where you’d like to be! And for me the beginning of 2019 marks my one year anniversary of moving to Lexington! It’s a decision I’ve never regretted and I am pleased to be more of a local now than a ‘new in town’ person!

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Going Back to the Basics

I’ve been teaching Pilates for about 10 years now. Prior to that I taught spinning for about 12 years and other random fitness classes that needed a sub! That’s a long time to be in the ‘fitness industry’.  By now I should know it all, right? Wrong.

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Pilates Conference Wrap Up!

Most of you know I was in Las Vegas a week ago for the Pilates Method Alliance Annual Conference. The PMA is the governing board for Pilates and every year this conference draws around 1,000 Pilates teachers from around the world. This conference is a wonderful way for me to meet other instructors, connect with instructors I now, take workshops and Pilates classes and grow as a teacher, myself.

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What's Your Training?

This is a topic that comes up from time to time in the studio and runs rampant online. The question may be “Who trained you?” or “Where did you get your credentials?” These are fair questions … but the answer doesn’t really tell you everything you need to know as a potential student or fellow teacher. Many of us, myself included, received one form of Pilates training … possibly what was most convenient, affordable or available for us. But, many of us, myself included, have continued to pursue additional training, working with different instructors or schools of thought and practice. If you simply ask where did you study or who was your original teacher, you would miss learning about all the additional scope and expertise gained post initial training.

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Why I Love Being a Student

I am a PMA Certified Pilates Instructor. I own a studio. I teach classes for a living. I have the luxury of having a fully equipped studio to play in when I am not working. I really enjoy hopping on a reformer, a chair or the tower and moving. I love choosing the movements I feel my body needs that day. I like challenging myself, exploring choreography, and spring choice. Some days I just want to stretch and lengthen and soothe my body after a hard run. I often turn the music off and just listen to what I feel in my body. Could anything be more perfect or rewarding than that?

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