Posts tagged pilates lexington
For a Reason!

Through my Pilates studies and training, I have had the opportunity to meet and work with many wonderful teachers and mentors. About six years ago I began following one particular Instructor and really gravitated to his approach to Pilates. I did an online workshop he offered. He came across as kind, knowledgeable, and compassionate. His style and mine when it came to designing a class were in sync.

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Is it Really a Bargain?

A bargain isn’t always a bargain. Sure the price may be great! It may be a real discount on what appears to be a similar item or service but beware that does not mean it’s the same thing.

I was raised by two frugal parents. It’s in my DNA but I’ve learned through the years some times it is so worth it to pay a little more. A good deal is not always a good deal and often not even really what I want, expect, or need.

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Surviving Winter

We’ve had a fairly mild winter here in Kentucky with only a few sub freezing days and just a dusting of snow so far. That being said, it’s been gray and damp and the kind of weather that makes you want to curl up on the sofa not head to the studio or go after your goals. How do we get through winter and survive or better yet thrive? Here are some of my go-to tricks for making winter more tolerable and me more productive and happy!

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New Year's Goals

I’ve been thinking about the New Year and what I might like to accomplish! Whether you call it a resolution or not it’s a good time to take stock and make an effort to move yourself forward towards where you’d like to be. I don’t believe resolutions need to lofty - sometimes they are things that have been hanging over my head and I just need some motivation to get done. Other times my goals are bigger - like opening a studio in Lexington in 2018 … that was a biggie!

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Pee a Little?

Do you pee a little when you work out? What about the trampoline or doing jumping jacks - have those become off limits for you for fear of tinkling? Well there is a myth out there that after you have a baby or as you age - that’s just how it is. Nope! Doesn’t have to be that way!

Let’s discuss!

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Keeping My Balance

A few years ago, my car had a safety recall with the driver’s seatbelt. While I waited for the new part to come in, I was given a loaner car to drive. A few days into driving this car, I noticed it seemed to pull to the right a bit. I also noticed some shaking in the steering wheel. It was a newer luxury car so this was not to be expected.  I checked the settings and diagnostics on the car and realized one of the tires was low on air. The car was out of balance.

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Posture Please

When I was a child, my father was a big proponent of good posture. We ate dinner together as a family every night and he expected my brother and me to sit up straight and keep our elbows off the table. Good posture became my normal. I remember at school and at my friend's houses having adults comment on my good posture. It was not normal I suppose with other kids my age.

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Look Like a Pilates Student!

I have heard more times than I can count the comment, “but I don’t look like a Pilates student.” This usually comes from someone considering whether to try Pilates or not. It comes from someone with limited knowledge of the benefits of Pilates. It certainly comes from someone who doesn’t know what a Pilates student looks like.

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Every time I attend a Pilates conference or Summit with multiple presenters and topics, I always find a central theme that emerges for me. This past week at the PMA conference in Monterey was no different. I took classes on tech neck, neurological conditions, the relationship between hips and knee issues, creative uses of the magic circle, using the trap table to facility mat work, and more. At first glance, these topics are quite different. But each session hit on one thing for me - Permission.

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I know I am not alone here. I have a big project I am working on for the studio (details on that revealed later!). I’m excited about it but I’m also a bit nervous and uncertain just how to do it. it’s a challenge for sure and one i’ve wanted but it will require me to grow, stretch and push myself. So what have I been doing when I should be working on this .. just about everything else!

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