Posts tagged parnter pilates
Surviving Winter

We’ve had a fairly mild winter here in Kentucky with only a few sub freezing days and just a dusting of snow so far. That being said, it’s been gray and damp and the kind of weather that makes you want to curl up on the sofa not head to the studio or go after your goals. How do we get through winter and survive or better yet thrive? Here are some of my go-to tricks for making winter more tolerable and me more productive and happy!

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Support & Accountability

Like most women, I woke up early and watched the royal wedding this weekend. It was beautiful, inspiring, heartwarming, and felt so special. Why do we watch or why do we show up for weddings in general? We do it so support the Bride and Groom. We do it to help the couple on their special day and to support their decision to be married. 

It's a wonderful thing to support our friends. It's a wonderful feeling to be supported.

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