Surviving Winter

We’ve had a fairly mild Winter here in Kentucky with only a few sub freezing days and just a dusting of snow so far. That being said, it’s been gray and damp and the kind of weather that makes you want to curl up on the sofa not head to the studio or go after your goals. How do we get through Winter and survive or better yet thrive? Here are some of my go-to tricks for making Winter more tolerable and me more productive and happy!

  1. Dress up! I plan my workout outfits the night before. I also make sure to put my favorite items on the top of my pile so those get worn more often. With lots of Winter sales going on, I may even pick up a new top or bottom that I will look forward to wearing. It’s no different than dressing for success for a business meeting - dress for success for your workout! Even a new pair of grippy socks can get me excited to break them in! (ps. We have a few sweatshirts left, t-shirts and grippy socks if you need a workout wardrobe boost!)

  2. Set a goal! This is a great time of year to set a goal and have the motivation of that goal to keep you going on those days you don’t quite feel like it. Maybe there is a Spring race you want to run or you have Spring Break plans? Maybe your goal is simply to workout 3X a week this month. Set a goal - write it down and put it somewhere you can see it so you are reminded of what you are working towards.

  3. Stay in and cook! When it’s cold or rainy or even snowy going out is not as much fun. Why not use this Winter to try some new healthy recipes? Try out a turkey chili or tortilla soup recipe that will not only be a healthy option but also a fun activity to get you inspired to keep up those healthy habits.

  4. Go for a walk. Even if it’s just 10 minutes - go for a walk. Bundle up and walk to Starbucks instead of driving. One of my Pilates students drives halfway to the studio and walks the rest of the way. Find ways to incorporate small walks into your week. That boost of energy and movement will do you good during what can be a more sedentary time of year.

  5. Pump iron while you watch TV. I keep some small hand weights and bands in my living room so I’ll be reminded to use them while I am watching tv. I have an arm and upper body series I like to do that takes less than 10 minutes. While that may not be a lot - I sure can tell a difference when I am consistently doing my at home exercises. If you are stuck inside because of bad weather - there’s your option to do a little something!

  6. Make plans with a friend. Call a friend and make plans to go to class together. it’s a great way to be social - get yourself out and get it done. You won’t want to stand your friend up!

  7. Get a mood light. I recently purchased a mood light on Amazon for about $25. I do not suffer from depression nor do I believe I have seasonal depression, however I think we all feel better in the sunshine! My research showed this light would improve vitamin D levels (we need this for energy) as well as help with sleep by reseting our circadian rhythm. I have been sleeping quite well since getting the light and using it about 10 minutes a day.

  8. Schedule it. This goes along with setting goals- set a schedule and stick to it. There will be days you may not want to but you’ll be glad you did. You are not likely to ‘feel like it’ if it’s not already on your schedule - so put it on there and stick to it. Many of my students book their classes on Sunday for the week ahead. This is a great way to commit to a week of success.

  9. Spoil yourself. In the Winter, I like to do little things like whitening my teeth with whitestrips, dipping my hands in paraffin, wearing foot masks, masking my face and so on. All of these are inexpensive do at home beauty treats that make me feel more confident and ready to take on whatever is ahead.

I hope these tips help you get through Winter and maybe even thrive this year! It will be Spring before we know it and I’m going to be ready for it …are you?