Posts tagged Shine pilates
Remembering My Why

I’ve talked about your why before - the reason you choose to do Pilates. It is different for just about everyone. For some it’s about toning up. For others it’s about bone health and building strength. For some it’s an hour of de-stressing and coping. And for others it’s rehab. Whatever your why, I am glad you are choosing to Shine with me and with Shine Pilates.

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Comfort Zone

About a month after moving to Arizona, I decided to check out a country bar in Buckeye - Waddell’s Long Horn Corral. I had heard they had live bands and country dance lessons. According to the website the dance lesson started at 6:30 pm on Saturday night. I intentionally showed up at 6:40 pm … not thinking I was ready for the lesson but I would like to watch. A nice couple saw me sitting alone at the bar and asked if I was there for the lesson and then proceeded to insist that I take the lesson. Little did I know the lesson never really starts on time! They would not accept no for an answer! This was so far out of my comfort zone!

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Footwork on the Bar

Whether you call it double leg work, footwork on the reformer or any other name, it’s an important part of Pilates. Often performed at the beginning of class, but it should not be mistaken as ‘just the warmup’ phase. Footwork on the bar can show us and teach us many important lessons if we tune in and let it.

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I’ve been watching a series on Hulu that I’ve been really enjoying. I look forward to the next episode. I find myself, however, at times also trying to do other things on my phone and then missing a chunk of the show. I either have to rewind and rewatch the show or just try to figure out what I missed. I’m not focusing enough on the show to be enjoying it like I could.

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Happy Feet

Did you know your feet have more bones than any other part of your body …and also more nerve endings? Most of us don’t spend much time thinking about our feet …until they start to hurt. We spend our days with our feet crammed in shoes not able to move or bend or flex. Feet crave movement, too!

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Many have asked me why I wanted to move to Arizona. There are many reasons including the sunshine, the hiking, and the mountain. I think one of the main draws for me, however, is the healthy attitude I have experienced in Arizona. If this is the only place you have lived you may not understand this. If you have transplanted from another area … maybe like me you have experienced different attitudes in different cities.

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Injured Reserve

About a week ago, I tried curling for the first time. It was fun and challenging. I love trying new things and having new experiences. If you are not familiar with curling, it takes place on the ice and uses a 40 lb stone slid across the ice. It’s sort of like shuffleboard with a target at the other end and the ability to knock your opponent’s stones out.

During my very first practice throw of the stone, I slide a bit more on the ice than expected and the stone took my arm with it for a bit.

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Building Success

I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a couple fellow entrepreneurs. They have had their business for quite a while but built it from the ground up. I did the same in Nashville and in Lexington with my studios. It’s a lot for work and requires discipline, hope, and consistency even when the path may not be smooth.

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