Posts tagged arizona pilatess

The other day I went to a concert and bought a bottle of Dasani Water. It was $8.75! I remember when it seemed ridiculous to pay $4 for the same water. It’s no secret that prices have gone up in a lot of places due to inflation. There are some items we just need - like water when you are thirsty. We have to bite the bullet and pay the higher price in these instances.

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Many have asked me why I wanted to move to Arizona. There are many reasons including the sunshine, the hiking, and the mountain. I think one of the main draws for me, however, is the healthy attitude I have experienced in Arizona. If this is the only place you have lived you may not understand this. If you have transplanted from another area … maybe like me you have experienced different attitudes in different cities.

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One Way

This morning I had planned to go for a run. I had to be somewhere by 10am … so I needed to get my act together to get to the trails, run, get home, shower, and get to my appointment.

I started coming up with my reason why not. I could go later in the day maybe. Maybe I should just take the day off - I had strained my deltoid muscles and wasn’t sure how that would feel running. And the list goes on!

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Building Success

I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a couple fellow entrepreneurs. They have had their business for quite a while but built it from the ground up. I did the same in Nashville and in Lexington with my studios. It’s a lot for work and requires discipline, hope, and consistency even when the path may not be smooth.

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