Posts tagged running
One Way

This morning I had planned to go for a run. I had to be somewhere by 10am … so I needed to get my act together to get to the trails, run, get home, shower, and get to my appointment.

I started coming up with my reason why not. I could go later in the day maybe. Maybe I should just take the day off - I had strained my deltoid muscles and wasn’t sure how that would feel running. And the list goes on!

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The Gift of Movement

In the last 24 hours I’ve received startling news about two of my friends and college sorority sisters living in Lexington, Last night I received a text from another Lexington friend wanting to make sure I had heard the tragic news about our friend’s son. He’s a junior at the same college we went to, on the lacrosse team, and a good kid. Over the weekend while on a lacrosse trip he dove into the shallow end of the pool and broke his neck at the C4 vertebrae. He needs a miracle.

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Why Your Resolutions Fail!

It’s no secret most New Year’s Resolutions are failures. Why is this? We start the new year with lots of new energy and hopes and desires for change. There are lots of programs and articles and support to be found … so why do we still fail?

The answer is simple. We are making our resolutions wrong. A simple shift in how we approach resolutions could be the difference in success or failure.

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Canceled! That’s a word we are seeing a lot these days. Keeneland - canceled. Kentucky Derby - canceled. the Chris Stapelton and Willie Nelson Concert - canceled. This morning I received an email informing me the Lululemon Sea Wheeze half marathon in August is canceled! I’m writing this blog on April 29th … three and a half months before the date of the race. This is becoming our new norm.

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Fitness Seasons

This morning I went for a long run. It was cool, crisp, and picturesque with the Fall colors beginning to show. I felt strong, energized, and capable. I was reminded of why I love running! Not every run is like that ... and it was only a few days ago I was dragging along in the heat and humidity.

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A Runner's First Pilates Class!

I was a runner long before I found Pilates. I wish I knew about Pilates when I was competing in track and cross country for my college or later running marathons. I know Pilates would have been a great asset to my running and recovery. It is now, so I can only imagine how much better, I would have felt back when I was really pounding the pavement and racking up the miles.

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I Did a Thing!

I did a thing last Thursday. And it scared me a bit. I almost backed out. All things leading up to the thing seemed to point to ‘throw in the towel and go home!” But I did the thing and I’m so glad I did! it! I stepped out of my comfort zone and the thing exceeded my expectations!

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Fitness Seasons

This morning I went for a long run. It was cool, crisp, and picturesque with the Fall colors beginning to show. I felt strong, energized, and capable. I was reminded why I love running! Not every run is like that … and it was only a few weeks ago I was dragging along in the heat and humidity.

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