Posts tagged shine pilates
More Training??

This past weekend I had the opportunity to participate in a Pilates Suspension Method Retreat. Overf the course of 3 days we laarned more than 200 Pilates Suspension moves on the suspension apparatus with Rebecca Beckler. She is wonderful and a wealth of knowledge.I highly recommend you follow her and train with her if you get the chance. We spent about 8 hours a day moving our bodies, challenging our minds. laughing, learning and growing. I loved every minute of it! This was actually my Christmas present to myself attending this retreat.

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Thanksgiving was last week and I have so much to be thankful for! I moved to Arizona about 8 months ago and the time has really flown by! It dawned on me that I was in Arizona last Thanksiving for a solo trip and get away … when I decide it was time to get serious about moving here. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine one year later I would be an Arizona resident and business owner.

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Posture Please

When I was a child, my father was a big proponent of good posture. We ate dinner together as a family every night and he expected my brother and me to sit up straight and keep our elbows off the table. Good posture became my normal. I remember at school and at my friend's houses having adults comment on my good posture. It was not normal I suppose with other kids my age.

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I Did a Thing!

I did a thing last Thursday. And it scared me a bit. I almost backed out. All things leading up to the thing seemed to point to ‘throw in the towel and go home!” But I did the thing and I’m so glad I did! it! I stepped out of my comfort zone and the thing exceeded my expectations!

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Top Ten Reasons To Try Pilates!

There are infinite reasons to try Pilates but today we are just going to focus on the top ten!

1.  Breathing – Most of us do it everyday!  Did you know however the diaphragm can be made stronger with Pilates? Stronger breath control means you’ll get winded less often and do a better job of suppling oxygen to your working muscles during a strenuous activity.

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Plans For 2019

Whether you make resolutions or not … the beginning of a new year is a good time to think about where you are and where you’d like to be! And for me the beginning of 2019 marks my one year anniversary of moving to Lexington! It’s a decision I’ve never regretted and I am pleased to be more of a local now than a ‘new in town’ person!

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