Posts tagged pilates reformer class
Too much, Too little!

I recently had some of my college girlfriends visit for the weekend. We had a wonderful time catching up, eating out, throwing axes, eating out, going to a cookout, walking the arboretum and … eating out! Are you seeing a theme for the weekend?? Let’s face it social time is often wrapped around eating. One of my girlfriends said after I ate a piece of Kentucky Chocolate, “If Lucie eats it then it must be okay!” While I am flattered she feels that way about my choices, I thought it might be time for some real talk!

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Top Ten Reasons To Try Pilates!

There are infinite reasons to try Pilates but today we are just going to focus on the top ten!

1.  Breathing – Most of us do it everyday!  Did you know however the diaphragm can be made stronger with Pilates? Stronger breath control means you’ll get winded less often and do a better job of suppling oxygen to your working muscles during a strenuous activity.

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My Pilates Story

I find with Pilates our reasons for starting are often more than getting in shape. When I enrolled in my Pilates training, I was with a group of about 10 women from different walks of life. On our first day, we went around the room and said why we were there. I think we were all a little nervous. Pilates training is expensive and a big time commitment (months!) Having been an athlete in college and a spinning instructor for almost a decade at that point - I assumed everyone was there simply to teach fitness. Boy was I wrong!

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