Posts tagged rehab pilates
Physical Therapy and Pilates!

It’s becoming more and more common to see a Pilates Reformer in a Physical Therapy office. I think that is wonderful! After all Joseph Pilates began rehabilitating injured soldiers during the war and then later working with injured ballerinas. Pilates is rooted in finding symmetry in the body and creating balance where there is imbalance.

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What Can Pilates Do for YOU??

There are plenty of ways to workout or burn a few calories so what makes Pilates special? What can Pilates really do for you that another fitness class can't?

For starters - Pilates is so much more than a 'fitness class'.  Will you get fit - yes but that is just the beginning of the changes you'll see with Pilates. Joseph Pilates said "In 10 sessions you feel different. In 20 sessions you see the difference and in 30 sessions you'll have a whole new body." That's a pretty bold claim and yet I see it happen again and again in my studio.

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My Pilates Story

I find with Pilates our reasons for starting are often more than getting in shape. When I enrolled in my Pilates training, I was with a group of about 10 women from different walks of life. On our first day, we went around the room and said why we were there. I think we were all a little nervous. Pilates training is expensive and a big time commitment (months!) Having been an athlete in college and a spinning instructor for almost a decade at that point - I assumed everyone was there simply to teach fitness. Boy was I wrong!

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