Posts tagged lucie becus
Pilates Myths Debunked!

I hear lots questions and uncertainty about Pilates from folks who have never tried it and aren't quite sure what Pilates is. Truth be told, it can be hard to put into words all the magic that Pilates is! So today, I thought I'd take a moment to clear up some of the myths and untruths stopping YOU from trying Pilates!

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What Can Pilates Do for YOU??

There are plenty of ways to workout or burn a few calories so what makes Pilates special? What can Pilates really do for you that another fitness class can't?

For starters - Pilates is so much more than a 'fitness class'.  Will you get fit - yes but that is just the beginning of the changes you'll see with Pilates. Joseph Pilates said "In 10 sessions you feel different. In 20 sessions you see the difference and in 30 sessions you'll have a whole new body." That's a pretty bold claim and yet I see it happen again and again in my studio.

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Functional Movement

In the world of health and fitness, buzzwords often emerge. Some years ago all the talk was about heart rate monitors and aerobic vs anaerobic workouts. Next up all things ‘bootcamp’ became the rage. Then ‘barre’ became the next new workout, followed by Tabata and interval training … and of course, we can’t overlook Crossfit.

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March Madness Survival Guide!

I love March Madness! I look forward to it all year.  I enter brackets, I wear my team's shirt and hat, and I watch a bunch of games. All of this is good but it can lead to a very sedentary month and some bad eating if you aren't careful. So today I am going to provide you with a March Madness Survival Guide!

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Milestones, Memories, and Moving Forward

The other day I had the honor of being interviewed by Jenna Zaffino for her podcast Pilates Unfiltered If you love Pilates, you need to check out this free podcast that talks about all things Pilates and gives you an opportunity to hear from some of the leaders and legends in the Pilates community. For me to be added to the roster of Pilates interviews was such a thrill! This was certainly a milestone in my Pilates career! What a great high and way to finish out 2017! 

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