Posts tagged pilates blog
Why Your Resolutions Fail!

It’s no secret most New Year’s Resolutions are failures. Why is this? We start the new year with lots of new energy and hopes and desires for change. There are lots of programs and articles and support to be found … so why do we still fail?

The answer is simple. We are making our resolutions wrong. A simple shift in how we approach resolutions could be the difference in success or failure.

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Footwork on the Bar

Whether you call it double leg work, footwork on the reformer or any other name, it’s an important part of Pilates. Often performed at the beginning of class, but it should not be mistaken as ‘just the warmup’ phase. Footwork on the bar can show us and teach us many important lessons if we tune in and let it.

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Students Make the Best Teachers

Between Christmas and New Years, I had the opportunity to do online training, continuing education, and to catch up on reading articles/watching videos about Pilates I had been saving for some time. I spent time learning more about influential people in the Pilates industry like Mari Winsor and Rael Isacowitz. It was interesting to learn how they found Pilates, where they trained, and how they grew their business. It was also interesting to hear their perspectives on Pilates, teaching philosophies, and the method as a whole.

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Starting Again!

Some of you know, I left behind a successful studio in Nashville to move to Lexington and open a new studio. Starting again is exciting and full of opportunity. It has given me a chance to bring the best of 12South Pilates to my new studio Shine Pilates. It's also a chance to try some new things and look to grow the business. BUT starting again is also not always easy. 

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Milestones, Memories, and Moving Forward

The other day I had the honor of being interviewed by Jenna Zaffino for her podcast Pilates Unfiltered If you love Pilates, you need to check out this free podcast that talks about all things Pilates and gives you an opportunity to hear from some of the leaders and legends in the Pilates community. For me to be added to the roster of Pilates interviews was such a thrill! This was certainly a milestone in my Pilates career! What a great high and way to finish out 2017! 

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