Posts tagged pilates teacher training
Students Make the Best Teachers

Between Christmas and New Years, I had the opportunity to do online training, continuing education, and to catch up on reading articles/watching videos about Pilates I had been saving for some time. I spent time learning more about influential people in the Pilates industry like Mari Winsor and Rael Isacowitz. It was interesting to learn how they found Pilates, where they trained, and how they grew their business. It was also interesting to hear their perspectives on Pilates, teaching philosophies, and the method as a whole.

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Pilates Conference Wrap Up!

Most of you know I was in Las Vegas a week ago for the Pilates Method Alliance Annual Conference. The PMA is the governing board for Pilates and every year this conference draws around 1,000 Pilates teachers from around the world. This conference is a wonderful way for me to meet other instructors, connect with instructors I now, take workshops and Pilates classes and grow as a teacher, myself.

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Becoming a Teacher

When I was a child I knew I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. I enjoyed school and loved helping my teachers out. Yeap - I was that kid! My dad was a professor at the University of Cincinnati and I would often ask him if I could help grade his papers. I didn't understand why he never took me up on that.  He was a graduate professor of aerospace engineering before retiring ... I get it now! 

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Summer Goals

This past weekend was just about perfect. Sunny, warm, clear skies and some free time to soak it all in. When the weather is like this, I just want to get moving and feel motivated to do more! It's an ideal time to think about some Summer goals!

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