Posts tagged PMA Certified Pilates Instructor
Answering Your Questions

There are some common questions I am asked at the studio and today I thought I would answer them for anyone reading. I always welcome your questions as they make me consider a different perspective sometimes or confirm that where we are is where we should be! So here we go:

Q: Why Don’t You Offer Your Classes in Levels?

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Let's talk about SORE

People repeat it, believe it and live it. But … as a former advertising and marketing person I’m hear to tell you just because it’s catchy and repeated …doesn’t make it true! Anybody remember how eggs were bad for us for a while … all due to marketing? And Snackswells was a health food … all due to marketing. (Side note- I don’t even want to think about how many Snackswells pudding cups I consumed in the 90’s thinking I was eating healthy!!!)

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Extra Credit vs. Workouts

I am a big believer in the little things adding up! Finding time to do a plank in the morning or walking for 1o minutes here and there all count. Extra is always a good thing in these cases.

Sometimes, however, I think folks let their extra credit replace their workout! It’s easy to do. You have a busy day. You rationalize you did some planks in the morning. You’ll do better tomorrow… or will you? Soon enough you are having more days of just a few minutes of exercise and fewer days of quality workouts!  Sound familiar??

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Pilates is Plenty!

When I opened my first Pilates Studio in Nashville, I began small and limited my risks. I wasn’t sure if this little dream of mine would work! At the time, Pilates was not very popular in Nashville. When I first moved to Nashville in 2009, I tried a few places - no longer there - and found both to be lack luster, not very effective and to be frank disappointing. Fortunately, that is no longer the case … but starting a new studio when the perception of Pilates is ‘meh’ was an uphill battle to climb.

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Plans For 2019

Whether you make resolutions or not … the beginning of a new year is a good time to think about where you are and where you’d like to be! And for me the beginning of 2019 marks my one year anniversary of moving to Lexington! It’s a decision I’ve never regretted and I am pleased to be more of a local now than a ‘new in town’ person!

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Pilates Conference Wrap Up!

Most of you know I was in Las Vegas a week ago for the Pilates Method Alliance Annual Conference. The PMA is the governing board for Pilates and every year this conference draws around 1,000 Pilates teachers from around the world. This conference is a wonderful way for me to meet other instructors, connect with instructors I now, take workshops and Pilates classes and grow as a teacher, myself.

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Summer Goals

This past weekend was just about perfect. Sunny, warm, clear skies and some free time to soak it all in. When the weather is like this, I just want to get moving and feel motivated to do more! It's an ideal time to think about some Summer goals!

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Starting Again!

Some of you know, I left behind a successful studio in Nashville to move to Lexington and open a new studio. Starting again is exciting and full of opportunity. It has given me a chance to bring the best of 12South Pilates to my new studio Shine Pilates. It's also a chance to try some new things and look to grow the business. BUT starting again is also not always easy. 

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Pilates Instructors are Perfectionist!

If you have taken a Pilates class with a PMA Certified Instructor, you've probably noticed we are a nit-picky crew! Evenly press across all five metatarsals, keep that knee lined up over the hip bone, press down with your hands, exhale on the return, and so on! Why are we so darn picky in Pilates?

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