Pilates Conference Wrap Up!

Most of you know I was in Las Vegas a week ago for the Pilates Method Alliance Annual Conference. The PMA is the governing board for Pilates and every year this conference draws around 1,000 Pilates teachers from around the world. This conference is a wonderful way for me to meet other instructors, connect with instructors I now, take workshops and Pilates classes and grow as a teacher, myself.

This year did not disappoint! I roomed with a friend who owns a Pilates studio in Louisiana and we had so much fun chatting about our businesses, our teaching, and what we wanted to learn next. In my opinion - we need to keep learning so we can bring the latest and best to our students and studios.

I always feel like an unspoken theme emerges for me at the Conference. In years past, Fascia was the big topic and then another year Pilates as rehab was the theme for me. This year the theme was definitely neurological study and the power of the brain.

We know Pilates is a mind-body practice meaning we use our minds to do the work. We can’t mindlessly take a Pilates class but how can we harness our minds even more? I took a workshop with Trent McEntire of McEntire Pilates and we worked on eye-tracking. This simple exercise of tracking the tip of a pencil for 30 seconds improved our balance and our movements. I also brought back the brain speed ball and some of you have had the chance to use it in your classes. This is another simple but powerful tool that allows us to create new pathways in our brain and wake up parts maybe we aren’t using. I’ll be sharing more about this - so stay tuned! We’ll also be getting some brain speed balls in the studio for you to purchase and use with your children, older parents or for you and a friend or spouse!

I was excited to take a workshop with Mariska Breland of Fuse Pilates on Pilates for Neurological conditions. Once again we discussed creating new pathways in the brain and how we can see improvement despite conditions such as MS or a stroke. it is encouraging to hear and see how Pilates is helping people with these types of situations including Mariska who has MS herself.

Another Session I really enjoyed was taught by joy Karley and delved into hip issues. Many of us have them and sometimes they are a product of our poor posture (ie texting posture!) We learned many ways to help with hips and I have already been using some of them on you!

Blossom Leilani Crawford taught a sessions about Kathy Grant’s before the Hundred series of warmup exercises. Much emphasis was made on the breath. You’ve heard me say it many times and I’m going to keep saying it- strong breaths are important and will Improve your workout and results!

i had the opportunity to take Pilates classes from Alan Herdman, Joy Karley, Kathy Corey, Brent Anderson, Kathy Ross Nash, Jenna Zaffino, Erika Quest, and Elizabeth Larkam. Let’s just say = I did a LOT of Pilates and loved all of it. It is inspiring to meet and learn from your mentors and those you look up to in your community!

The PMA 2018 was definitely a success for me and I can’t wait to keep incorporating what I learned into our sessions together!