Posts tagged new years
New Year's Goals

I’ve been thinking about the New Year and what I might like to accomplish! Whether you call it a resolution or not it’s a good time to take stock and make an effort to move yourself forward towards where you’d like to be. I don’t believe resolutions need to lofty - sometimes they are things that have been hanging over my head and I just need some motivation to get done. Other times my goals are bigger - like opening a studio in Lexington in 2018 … that was a biggie!

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Plans For 2019

Whether you make resolutions or not … the beginning of a new year is a good time to think about where you are and where you’d like to be! And for me the beginning of 2019 marks my one year anniversary of moving to Lexington! It’s a decision I’ve never regretted and I am pleased to be more of a local now than a ‘new in town’ person!

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