Posts tagged pilates studio
Comfort Zone

About a month after moving to Arizona, I decided to check out a country bar in Buckeye - Waddell’s Long Horn Corral. I had heard they had live bands and country dance lessons. According to the website the dance lesson started at 6:30 pm on Saturday night. I intentionally showed up at 6:40 pm … not thinking I was ready for the lesson but I would like to watch. A nice couple saw me sitting alone at the bar and asked if I was there for the lesson and then proceeded to insist that I take the lesson. Little did I know the lesson never really starts on time! They would not accept no for an answer! This was so far out of my comfort zone!

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So Strong So Weak!

I run. I do Pilates most days. I choose the stairs and the far parking spot. I ride my bike to the grocery store when I only need a few items. If it’s raining I sprint across the parking lot. I’m generally active. As a result I feel pretty good about myself and I feel strong.

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Finding Motivation

I enjoy working out. I love Pilates. I love running. But some days I just don’t feel like it! Not every day do I bounce out of bed and feel like moving. Most days I do but occasionally I’m tired, burned out, stressed or just plain lacking motivation. Here are my go to motivators for those days:

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Slow Down

One of my biggest challenges as a Pilates Instructor is getting clients to slow down! You might think it would be communicating the exercises, modifying for individual needs, programming the class, etc. – but all of those I can master. What I can’t always do is convince a student they will be working harder while getting stronger by going slower. (And they really will if they’d listen and try it!)

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Pilates is Enough

I've seen them and I'm sure you have, too ... ads for some 'new' fitness class or phenomenon that is 'amped up' or ‘ups the ante’ or is Plates on Steroids, etc. The ads and posts can be persuasive. They can make you question 'Do I need more? Is Pilates enough?'

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Be the Person Others See

We are our own worst critics. We think and internally say things to ourselves we would never say to a friend. We are just plain hard on ourselves! Not convinced ... listen in to your internal speak. How do you feel about your body? How are you managing life and all your commitments? How dedicated are you to working out? Are you getting a healthy and exciting meal on the table for your family every night? My guess is your answers to these questions are rather negative! (I hope not ... but I hear what you say out loud so I have a clue or two as to what you may be thinking on the inside.)

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