Posts tagged Pilates

One of my least favorite tasks to do when I started my first business was to attend networking events. I did not enjoy the surface small talk and the heavy sales pitch by some. I am not one to promote myself with a heavy hand and it just felt uncomfortable to me. But as a business owner, you check all the boxes and do all the things when you want to succeed.

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Gaining Knowledge Through Consistency

Consistency has a lot to do with Pilates, just as it does with practically anything else. If you want your body to learn something new then you have to be consistent with it. The muscles you work during Pilates need to be trained in order to become more flexible and balanced. After taking your first class, you should immediately sign up for your next one!

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So Strong So Weak!

I run. I do Pilates most days. I choose the stairs and the far parking spot. I ride my bike to the grocery store when I only need a few items. If it’s raining I sprint across the parking lot. I’m generally active. As a result I feel pretty good about myself and I feel strong.

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