Posts tagged surprise az fitness
What Pilates has given me!

It’s Thanksgiving weekend and I’ve had some time to take a deep breath or two and relax. I always find Thanksgiving to be a time of contemplation. It’s a time to take stake of what is good and appreciate the opportunities, people, and accomplishments in my life.

This Thanksgiving has me thinking about what Pilates has done for me.

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Remembering My Why

I’ve talked about your why before - the reason you choose to do Pilates. It is different for just about everyone. For some it’s about toning up. For others it’s about bone health and building strength. For some it’s an hour of de-stressing and coping. And for others it’s rehab. Whatever your why, I am glad you are choosing to Shine with me and with Shine Pilates.

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Many have asked me why I wanted to move to Arizona. There are many reasons including the sunshine, the hiking, and the mountain. I think one of the main draws for me, however, is the healthy attitude I have experienced in Arizona. If this is the only place you have lived you may not understand this. If you have transplanted from another area … maybe like me you have experienced different attitudes in different cities.

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One of my least favorite tasks to do when I started my first business was to attend networking events. I did not enjoy the surface small talk and the heavy sales pitch by some. I am not one to promote myself with a heavy hand and it just felt uncomfortable to me. But as a business owner, you check all the boxes and do all the things when you want to succeed.

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